Saturday, May 28, 2016


 Today, we are asked to focus on Gift of the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which Jesus gave as a precious gift to us. The Eucharist is central to our faith it is what we celebrate every day as Catholics, especially on Sunday where we gather in community to share that common bond that unites us as Christians and remember the sacrifice that Jesus Christ offered so that we all may obtain eternal life. The Eucharist is that Spiritual Food which gives us strength to confront the daily obstacles and challenges that we will encounter every day. Through it, Christ is present in the physical sense. We consume Him and unite ourselves with him. Yes, He is always with us spiritually but, through the Eucharist, the spiritual, mental, and physical become one. Not only does it offer us strength but it also offers us hope and encouragement. Nothing can oppose the Eucharist. Nothing can overcome its presence.

The Eucharist is Jesus Christ. This is a fact. When Jesus Christ gathered his disciples together on the night before he died, he explicitly said, “ Take it: THIS IS MY BODY.” He then took the cup and said, “THIS IS MY BLOOD OF THE COVENANT WHICH WILL BE SHED FOR MANY.” He gave this to us to offer himself to us. Since that moment, we have all celebrated and experienced this moment for over two thousand years. Through this celebration, we receive Him and He receives us. Our sins are forgiven and He is united to us. Even though it is a moment in time and space, God is beyond the limitations of time and space. It is eternal as is God. We receive Him and He receives us. We are invited to go back to the Book of Genesis to read when Melchizedek went out from Salem to receive Abraham. He brought out bread and wine. This represents an earlier personification of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us. Melchizedek, a priest, prophet, and king. Melchizedek, a priest forever who has no beginning or end. Christ is revealed through Melchizedek and through His interaction with Abraham Jesus Christ is revealed.

The Crucifixion is eternal. In the physical sense there was a definite time and place where this occurred. Yet, Christ is eternal. He is the alpha and the Omega. With that, the Crucifixion has and always will take place bringing salvation and glory to the entire universe. When we celebrate mass, we celebrate the Crucifixion. We participate in everything from the Last Supper, Jesus’ death, and His resurrection. We are united to Him in everything from His love, death, and resurrection. It is a constant reminder of what He did for us. Our lives are centralized with Him and for Him. Through the celebration of the mass, we are brought to a higher awareness of who we are in relation to Jesus Christ. The mass becomes the most important hour of our lives through our interaction with Jesus Christ. It is there that we discover ourselves and who we are in relation to Jesus Christ We cannot separate ourselves from the mass. It defines who we are and invites us into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. It is through the mass where we can begin to explore our relationship with Jesus Christ, coming forward in our broken nature to seek and receive forgiveness through Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Take a moment this week to meditate on the mass and the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Take a moment to understand what we are all missing when we do not participate in our Christian life.

Deacon Tom


 Hoy en día, se nos pide que centrarse en el regalo de la Eucaristía, el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que Jesús dio como un regalo precioso para nosotros. La Eucaristía es el centro de nuestra fe es lo que celebramos todos los días, como católicos, especialmente el domingo, donde nos reunimos en comunidad para compartir ese vínculo común que nos une como cristianos y recordar el sacrificio que Jesucristo ofrece para que todos podamos obtener eterna vida. La Eucaristía es que el alimento espiritual que nos da fuerzas para enfrentarse a los obstáculos diarios y retos que nos encontramos cada día. A través de ella, Cristo está presente en el sentido físico. Nosotros lo consumimos y unimos con él. Sí, Él está siempre con nosotros, pero espiritualmente, a través de la Eucaristía, lo espiritual, mental y física convertido en uno. No sólo nos ofrecen la fuerza, sino que también nos ofrece esperanza y aliento. Nada puede oponerse a la Eucaristía. Nada puede superar su presencia.

La Eucaristía es Jesucristo. Esto es un hecho. Cuando Jesucristo reunió a sus discípulos la noche antes de morir, le dijo explícitamente: "Tomen: ESTE ES MI CUERPO." A continuación, tomó la copa y dijo: "Esta es mi sangre de la alianza que será derramada por MUCHOS . "Él me dio esto nos permite ofrecer a nosotros. Desde ese momento, todos hemos celebrado y vivido este momento desde hace más de dos mil años. A través de esta celebración, que recibimos de Él y Él nos recibe. Nuestros pecados son perdonados y está unido a nosotros. A pesar de que es un momento en el tiempo y en el espacio, Dios está más allá de las limitaciones de tiempo y espacio. Es eterna como es Dios. Lo recibimos y nos recibe. Se nos invita a volver al libro de Génesis para leer cuando Melquisedec salió de Salem a recibir a Abraham. Él sacó pan y vino. Esto representa una personificación antes de Jesucristo y su sacrificio por nosotros. Melquisedec, sacerdote, profeta y rey. Melquisedec, sacerdote para siempre, que no tiene principio ni fin. Cristo se revela a través de Melquisedec y por medio de su interacción con Abraham la revelación de Jesucristo.

La crucifixión es eterno. En el sentido físico hubo un tiempo definido y lugar en que esto ocurrió. Sin embargo, Cristo es eterna. Él es el Alfa y la Omega. Con eso, la Crucifixión tiene y siempre tendrá lugar trayendo salvación y gloria a todo el universo. Cuando celebramos la misa, se celebra la Crucifixión. Participamos en todo, desde la última cena, la muerte de Jesús y su resurrección. Estamos unidos a Él en todo, desde su amor, muerte y resurrección. Es un recordatorio constante de lo que hizo por nosotros. Nuestras vidas están centralizados con él y para él. A través de la celebración de la misa, que se llevan a una mayor conciencia de lo que somos en relación con Jesucristo. La masa se convierte en la hora más importante de nuestras vidas a través de nuestra interacción con Jesucristo. Es allí donde descubrimos a nosotros mismos y lo que somos en relación a Jesucristo No podemos separarnos de la masa. Se define lo que somos y nos invita a entrar en una relación más profunda con Jesucristo. Es a través de la masa en la que podemos empezar a explorar nuestra relación con Jesucristo, viene hacia adelante en nuestra naturaleza rota a buscar y recibir perdón por medio de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.

Tome un momento esta semana para reflexionar sobre la masa y el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Tómese un momento para comprender lo que estamos perdiendo todo cuando no participa en nuestra vida cristiana.

Tom Deacon

Sunday, May 15, 2016


 We must always remember that the Holy Spirit, which is the Love of God, dwells within us. We were created in His image and, because of that, we will always be a part of Him. God loves us. This fact cannot ever change. Whatever challenges we face, whatever we do, God will always be there to guide us through this life of ours. The Holy Spirit offers us hope, reconciliation, and a transformative experience beyond anything that we could imagine. Paul tells us in his Letter to the Corinthians that the manifestation of the spirit is given to each of us individually for some sort of benefit. This benefit is unique in nature based on what God wants for us and our individual journey of faith. It is up to us to explore our relationship with God to discover the type of gift which was given.

We are all special. We are all different in a wonderful way. Because we are not the same we will not be treated the same by God. We also will have different expectations set forth. We must ask ourselves: “What does God want for me?” Just like when Andrew and John began following Jesus when it was revealed to them that He was The Lamb of God. Jesus turned to them and asked, “What are you looking for?” God is constantly asking us the same question. We come to Him broken and incomplete, yet we are naturally drawn by the presence of His love. We are then challenged to let it form us and change us into a new creation further opening the floodgates of His love.

For much of our lives we have remained separated from a complete relationship with God. This is our fault and we must ask ourselves what is preventing us from experiencing the incomparable joy of a life with Him. We must then remove these influences that will ultimately destroy us. This is a continuous spiritual exercise which will benefit us greatly. It should become a central part of our lives. It can be defined as a working relationship with God. As long as we concentrate on it, there will be spiritual fruits. Sacred Scripture, prayer, and an acknowledgement of the presence of God act as a map towards joy and purpose.

We all tend to turn to God more readily when we are in crisis. This is good but we cannot forget to maintain that relationship with Him when things get better. Pride lures us away from a complete relationship with Him, a relationship which is based upon love and a continuous spiritual growth. We are forged and strengthened in times of trial and tribulation. From those times, we are molded into a new creation. It is from there that our purpose with the presence of the Holy Spirit can be revealed. Our entire life should be a Revelation of the Spirit. We definitely have a benefit with God in our lives. The more we acknowledge this and embrace it, the more this benefit will be revealed to us.

Deacon Tom


 Debemos recordar siempre que el Espíritu Santo, que es el amor de Dios, habita en nosotros. Hemos sido creados a su imagen y, por eso, siempre vamos a ser parte de él. Dios nos ama. Este hecho no puede cambiar nunca. Sea cual sea retos que enfrentamos, hagamos lo que hagamos, Dios siempre estará ahí para guiarnos a través de esta vida nuestra. El Espíritu Santo nos ofrece la esperanza, reconciliación y una experiencia transformadora más allá de lo que podríamos imaginar. Pablo nos dice en su Carta a los Corintios que la manifestación del espíritu se da a cada uno de nosotros individualmente para algún tipo de beneficio. Este beneficio es único en la naturaleza en base a lo que Dios quiere para nosotros y nuestro viaje individual de la fe. Depende de nosotros para explorar nuestra relación con Dios para descubrir el tipo de regalo que se le dio.

Todos somos especiales. Todos somos diferentes de una manera maravillosa. Debido a que no somos los mismos no serán tratados por el mismo Dios. También vamos a tener diferentes expectativas establecidas. Debemos preguntarnos: "¿Qué quiere Dios de mí?" Al igual que cuando Andrés y Juan comenzaron a seguir a Jesús cuando se les reveló que él era el Cordero de Dios. Jesús se volvió a ellos y les preguntó, "¿Qué estás buscando?" Dios está constantemente haciendo la misma pregunta. Venimos a Él rota e incompleta, sin embargo, estamos naturalmente atraídos por la presencia de su amor. entonces tenemos el reto de dejar que nos forman y nos cambie en una nueva creación abrir más las compuertas de su amor.

Durante gran parte de nuestras vidas nos hemos mantenido separado de una relación completa con Dios. Esto es culpa nuestra y tenemos que preguntarnos qué nos impide experimentar la alegría incomparable de una vida con él. Por tanto, debemos eliminar estas influencias que en última instancia destruirnos. Este es un ejercicio espiritual continua que nos será de gran beneficio. Debería convertirse en una parte fundamental de nuestras vidas. Se puede definir como una relación de trabajo con Dios. Mientras nos concentramos en ella, habrá frutos espirituales. La Sagrada Escritura, la oración, y un reconocimiento de la presencia de Dios actuar como un mapa hacia la alegría y propósito.

Todos tenemos la tendencia a volverse a Dios más fácilmente cuando estamos en crisis. Esto es bueno, pero no podemos olvidar de mantener esa relación con Él cuando las cosas se ponen mejor. El orgullo nos atrae lejos de una relación completa con Él, una relación que se basa en el amor y un continuo crecimiento espiritual. Estamos forjado y fortalecido en tiempos de prueba y tribulación. Desde esos tiempos, que se moldean en una nueva creación. Es a partir de ahí que nuestro propósito con la presencia del Espíritu Santo puede ser revelado. Toda nuestra vida debe ser una revelación del Espíritu. Definitivamente tenemos un beneficio con Dios en nuestras vidas. Cuanto más reconocemos esto y lo abrazan, más este beneficio se dará a conocer a nosotros.


Saturday, May 7, 2016


 Today we celebrate Ascension Sunday where, 40 days after His resurrection, Jesus is taken up into Heaven. A wonderful way to reflect upon this is not by contemplating that Jesus went away but, through His ascension, we are all lifted up to Heaven with Him. Saint Augustine creates a beautiful picture how Jesus, being the Head while we are the Body, brings us with Him wherever He goes because the Head can never be separated from the Body. This is spoken about in a spiritual sense and has very important implications for us as a whole. When we accept Jesus Christ as our savior we are then eternally united with Him. He dwells within us and we are then shaped and molded by His presence. We begin a process of perfection that will ultimately lead to inexplicable joy. This joy begins here and will then continue for eternity.

In our Faith-Life, the Ascension can be viewed as sort of an invitation to something greater. Christ pulls us out of the darkness and upward into the Eternal Light of God. There, through perseverance and persistence, we can remain. He will never abandon us; it is impossible to do so. The only way we can break away from Him is to make that choice to do so by our own actions and sin. Even when we do this, He will wait for us to return to Him. Take a moment to imagine ourselves being lifted up by Christ. This happens perpetually when we involve ourselves in the development of our relationship with Him. As in all relationships, there will be times when it is strained by internal and external forces. There will be periods of anger, frustration, and rejection. We will refuse to talk to Him. We will actually hate Him periodically. Times like these can be best described as falling back to earth and into the darkness. Realizing the implications of this enables us to see that Christ is still there. He is extending His hand to us so that we may take it and begin the Ascension to something greater once again. He is always there even in the darkest moments.

The Ascension further tells us that this physical life on the earth is only the beginning and not our ultimate end. We are invited to follow Christ wherever he goes and that means our destination is one in the same with His. We are raised up with him and then are transformed with Him now and forever. Through this journey, we are encouraged and inspired by the presence of the Holy Spirit which consumes us with the Love of God and brings us forward to the Father. It is through this process that we experience the Holy Trinity. This is Our Journey of Faith and journey to a deeper relationship with God.

Jesus Christ in our lives has the ability and power raise us up to the greatest heights of success and experiences. We are encouraged to dismiss all of the earthly desires that surround us and constantly threaten to destroy us . Jesus Christ wants us to accept and partake in something so much better. That is life with the Holy Trinity through Him and in Him.

Deacon Tom