Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I do not look at New Year's Day as New Year's Day any more. It is a day for Our Lady. The Solemnity of  Mary Mother of God. Of course it has always been there during my life but I can say that this is the first year that I looked to the Solemnity First beyond the New Year's celebration. It is a new year but, more importantly, I look to our Mother for love, support, and intercession.

Last night, while driving home from the prison and after celebrating the Vigil of Our Mother, I was overcome with a feeling of her presence. I recited the rosary in the car and prayed. I longed to go into my inner room and wanted to shut the door. I wanted to be alone with her and her son. Everything else was secondary. I reflected on my life, my vocation, and where my savior has been leading me. Everything is in his hands. It always has been. When I fail is when I do not fully realize this and when I do not let him guide me.

Last Saturday I went to confession and it was wonderful. A perfect thing to do right before this Solemnity. I feel that Mary has pulled me closer to her and her Son. There is a renewed focus and understanding. The need for Confession and the Sacramental Grace it offers should never be underestimated. I urge all of my Brothers and Sisters to recommitment yourselves to Building Up the Kingdom of God here on this earth with me.

Christ's Love is all around us.

Mother Mary Pray for US!

Deacon Tom

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