Thursday, August 29, 2013


I felt the need to rant a little about what I witnessed while watching the MTV Video Music Awards. The behavior of Miley Cyrus was embarrassing and humiliating for herself and all women. To voluntarily reduce herself to a sex object in front of a captivated audience is something that I cannot understand. Her actions did not promote sexual freedom and expression but only belittled women as a whole. For years we all have watched Miley Cyrus's carefully constructed wholesome image come to light as she used it to garner a major following of teenage girls who looked up to her as a role model. This was intentionally done to promote her in the entertainment industry and to create a fan base. With this type of marketing comes a certain responsibility which she failed to live up to. Like it or not, because of a high profile position such as hers she is a role model and has the ability to influence the actions and attitudes of millions of people world-wide. People will listen to what she has to say and they will watch what she does. The sexual imagery that she projected was witnessed by children as young as twelve years old. These are our children and they instinctively look up to individuals such as Miley Cyrus for guidance regarding what is right and what is wrong.

It is a natural progression of children during this critical time of their development to start to formulate their own value system which will be deeply influenced by their peers, adults they interact with, and from what they witness in the multimedia. The Entertainment Industry and Society as a whole knows this all too well and uses this to their advantage to try to condition our children to accept certain behaviors and trends so as to make money. Sexualizing our children and convincing them that what is being witnessed is not only natural but should also be accepted is part of their overall plan. Sex sells. It always has and always will. To demean women as sexual objects is to their advantage. It is of no advantage to the women involved but only to those who seek to make a profit from it. The more women are viewed in a material sense, the more profitable it becomes.

The feminist movement actually promotes this behavior also. Part of the feminist platform has been sexual freedom and expression. The movement looks at marriage as a form of indentured slavery and is against it. They feel that when a woman is sexualized they are empowered. With that, they promote sex through educational programs that start from middle school and continue through college. They feel that the more a woman is sexually active, the more liberated they become. The end result from society is the constant promotion of sex and uninhibited behavior. Anything or anyone who seeks to restrain this sexualization is labeled as being repressive.

What message are we sending to the men of society when women are constantly being displayed and promoted as sex objects? Society is actually promoting the abuse and the degrading of women. It is a known fact that the frontal lobe of the brain does not reach full maturity until a person's 20's. This means that a person's thought process can be heavily influenced by what they see and what they are told before understanding the full repercussions of their actions. It is in society's best interest to formulate and control the thought process of our youth at this age so as to take advantage of them throughout their lives by preparing them to accept what is directly told to them. By teaching women to demean themselves and by telling men that women should be demeaned a sexualized marketplace is created. We see this in Hollywood, advertising, and in the marketplace as a whole. You cannot even buy beer, clothes, or watch a sporting event without being exposed to sex.

It is utterly amazing how a small minority of people can influence the actions and behaviors of a majority to its own detriment. MTV took this to the extreme with its ridiculous display of an awards show. From improper English, lewd comments, and sexual content they lowered the bar in all areas from communication, style, talent, and acceptable behavior. Through this medium, they strive to “convince” viewers as to what is acceptable and what society deems appropriate. This convincing is nothing more than a marketing tool to further their own goals at the expense of everyone else, including the self-worth of individuals such as Miley Cyrus.

We are all constantly being attacked. Society is a weapon of Satan. Jesus said that “You cannot serve both God and mammon.” Mammon is all that is present in society; the allures and temptations thereof. Saint Paul tells us that the flesh is constantly at war with the spirit. The flesh is of this earth and of sin; the spirit is eternal and belongs to God. Why would we ever put all of our trust in things of this earth that promote the things that God is against and that we created so us to immerse ourselves in materialism and debauchery. The very things that Miley Cyrus represents lead to self-destruction of the human condition. There is nothing liberating or uplifting in what she and MTV continue to promote. There is nothing everlasting about it also. In the end, the lifestyle and condition that is being displayed constantly to us offer nothing that is worthwhile and constructive. It is destructive and represents a larger problem in society.

We as Christians must recognize this and criticize it when we see it. We also need to demonstrate our reluctance to it by not participating in it. Instead, we lead our lives by the Light of Christ. Long after Miley Cyrus grinds her last grind, Christ will remain.

Deacon Tom

Sunday, August 25, 2013

We as Christians will constantly face trials and tribulations in this life. These difficulties will come from many different places including from those who are closest to us. We will be tempted and ridiculed because of our faith. We will be challenged and judged more harshly than other people around us. Our lifestyle and choices are not accepted by society. The reason for this is because society is trying to take the place of God and eliminate him from his own creation. We must face these challenges with happiness and joy; thankful that we have been chosen to suffer in much the same way that the prophets and saints did before us. Saint Rose of Lima addressed this point in many of her writings. She said that in order to achieve salvation one must suffer and unite themselves with the Crucified Christ. The more you suffer the more graces you will receive. There was no way to salvation without the Cross of Christ that each Christian is required to carry. The sufferings that one endures has the capability to enrich one's spiritual life.

Jesus teaches us that faith is required to achieve salvation. Suffering has the capability to deepen our faith and bring us closer to God. So, when we suffer, we must focus more intently on God through our prayers, devotion, and complete trust in him. Having complete trust in God can be very difficult but, in reality, what isn't difficult in life? We create so many challenges for ourselves; more than we find solutions. This is so very obvious when the lives of everyone around us is observed through our interactions. Everyone faces different degrees of problems and there is so much time and energy spent trying to solve them just so more problems can take their place. It is fair to say that challenges and problems are a normal part of life. They will always be there. We convince ourselves that, in order to be happy, we have to solve these problems. A question can be presented: If problems and challenges are a normal part of life, then what will it take for us to be truly happy? Problems will never go away. They will only be replaced. So, if the focus is trying to convince ourselves that we will be happy only when the problems and challenges go away, we will never really achieve happiness.

The solution is God. Through God and our relationship with him, we can be happy all the time. It shouldn't really matter what we are facing as long as we strengthen our relationship through Jesus Christ while we are facing them. We can take comfort and guidance from the Book of Job. Through his suffering, Job never lost his faith in God. The entire story is an exercise in faith and trust in God. He loves us and wants us to overcome all obstacles to live our lives in his presence. If we do this, then we will be protected and happy.

The Letter to the Hebrews encourages us to look at our sufferings as discipline from God. If we look at them with this perspective we can then begin to make the corrections in our lives in order to achieve a happiness beyond anything that we have experienced before. Why does a parent discipline their child? It is in order for the child to correct their behavior. In the same way we can examine our own lives and shape it around the teachings of God. We can make the adjustments necessary and react to the tribulations in a positive manner in order to build ourselves up into a new creation guided by our creator. We must, of course, take responsibility for our short-comings but can use them as a positive force of change. It can become an exciting exercise that will display positive results immediately. It is a healing process. God is the doctor and we become the patient. God only wants good things for us but, in order to accept happiness and goodness, we must first accept God. It is impossible to be happy without God. This world cannot bring happiness without God for God created this world and all it holds for us. Society did not create the world. We created society and because of that it is not perfect. So why rely on the imperfect for happiness when we can embrace perfection in God?

God's Glory has been revealed through Jesus Christ. We need to turn to him and accept it. We are invited to partake in all of his love but must journey with him. The journey itself will be hard, but the rewards in this life and the next are countless. We are guaranteed an everlasting happiness and joy that nothing in this world can replace. This happiness can remain with us through good times and bad times. At the same time, the definition of bad times will take on a new meaning because, with Jesus Christ, there really is no presence of bad. Everything else will change in our lives also and will take on a new perspective. We just have to be open to that perspective. Do we really want to struggle for momentary happiness or do we want to work for everlasting happiness with Jesus Christ?

The answer is so simple that there will be those who miss it.

I can safely say that we all already have the answer.

Deacon Tom

Nosotros, como cristianos constantemente afrontar pruebas y tribulaciones en esta vida. Estas dificultades van a venir de muchos lugares diferentes, incluyendo a las personas más cercanas a nosotros. Seremos tentados y ridiculizados a causa de nuestra fe. Vamos a ser desafiados y juzgados más severamente que otras personas que nos rodean. Nuestro estilo de vida y las opciones no son aceptados por la sociedad. La razón de esto es porque la sociedad está tratando de tomar el lugar de Dios y eliminarlo de su propia creación. Debemos enfrentar estos desafíos con la felicidad y la alegría, agradecido de que hemos sido escogidos para sufrir de la misma manera que los profetas y los santos lo hicieron antes que nosotros. Santa Rosa de Lima trató este punto en muchos de sus escritos. Dijo que a fin de lograr la salvación hay que sufrir y unirse con el Cristo Crucificado. Cuanto más sufre los más gracias que usted recibirá. No había manera de salvación sin la Cruz de Cristo, que se requiere para llevar a cada cristiano. Los sufrimientos que uno aguanta tiene la capacidad de enriquecer la vida espiritual de uno.

Jesús nos enseña que se requiere fe para alcanzar la salvación. El sufrimiento tiene la capacidad de profundizar en nuestra fe y acercarnos a Dios. Por lo tanto, cuando sufrimos, debemos centrarnos más intensamente en Dios a través de nuestras oraciones, la devoción y la confianza total en él. Tener confianza en Dios puede ser muy difícil, pero, en realidad, lo que no es difícil en la vida? Creamos tantos desafíos para nosotros mismos, más nos encontramos con soluciones. Esto es tan evidente cuando las vidas de todos a nuestro alrededor se observa a través de nuestras interacciones. Todo el mundo se enfrenta a diferentes grados de problemas y no hay tanto tiempo y energía gastados tratando de resolverlos tan más problemas puede tomar su lugar. Es justo decir que los retos y los problemas son una parte normal de la vida. Ellos siempre van a estar ahí. Nos convencemos a nosotros mismos de que, para ser felices, tenemos que resolver estos problemas. Una pregunta que puede presentarse: Si los problemas y los desafíos son una parte normal de la vida, entonces ¿qué se necesita para que seamos verdaderamente feliz? Los problemas no van a desaparecer. Sólo serán reemplazados. Por lo tanto, si el foco está tratando de convencernos de que seremos felices cuando los problemas y desafíos desaparecen, nunca realmente alcanzar la felicidad.

La solución es Dios. A través de Dios y nuestra relación con él, podemos ser felices todo el tiempo. No debe importa realmente lo que estamos enfrentando mientras fortalecemos nuestra relación a través de Jesucristo, mientras que los estamos enfrentando. Podemos tomar consuelo y guía en el Libro de Job. A través de su sufrimiento, Job nunca perdió su fe en Dios. Toda la historia es un ejercicio de fe y confianza en Dios. Él nos ama y quiere que superar todos los obstáculos para vivir la vida en su presencia. Si hacemos esto, entonces seremos protegidos y felices.

La carta a los Hebreos nos invita a fijarnos en nuestros sufrimientos como la disciplina de Dios. Si nos fijamos en ellos con esta perspectiva, entonces podemos empezar a hacer las correcciones en nuestras vidas con el fin de lograr una felicidad más allá de lo que hemos experimentado antes. ¿Por qué un padre disciplina a su hijo? Es para que el niño para corregir su comportamiento. De la misma manera podemos examinar nuestras propias vidas y darle forma en torno a las enseñanzas de Dios. Podemos hacer los ajustes necesarios y reaccionar a las tribulaciones de una manera positiva con el fin de construir nosotros mismos en una nueva creación guiada por nuestro creador. Debemos, por supuesto, asumir la responsabilidad de nuestros defectos, pero podemos usarlos como una fuerza positiva de cambio. Puede llegar a ser un ejercicio interesante que mostrará resultados positivos de inmediato. Se trata de un proceso de curación. Dios es el médico y nos convertimos en el paciente. Dios sólo quiere cosas buenas para nosotros, pero, a fin de aceptar la felicidad y el bien, primero tenemos que aceptar a Dios. Es imposible ser feliz sin Dios. Este mundo no puede traer felicidad sin Dios porque Dios creó el mundo y todo lo que tiene para nosotros. Sociedad no creó el mundo. Hemos creado la sociedad y debido a que no es perfecto. ¿Por qué confiar en el imperfecto de felicidad cuando podemos abrazar la perfección en Dios?

La gloria de Dios se ha revelado a través de Jesucristo. Tenemos que recurrir a él y aceptarlo. Se nos invita a participar en todo su amor, pero debemos caminar con él. El viaje en sí va a ser difícil, pero la recompensa en esta vida y la siguiente son innumerables. Estamos avalados una felicidad eterna y el gozo que nada en este mundo puede reemplazar. Esta felicidad puede permanecer con nosotros en las buenas y en las malas. Al mismo tiempo, la definición de los malos tiempos tomará un nuevo significado, ya que, con Jesucristo, realmente no hay presencia del mal. Todo lo demás va a cambiar en nuestras vidas también, y se enfrentará a una nueva perspectiva. Sólo tenemos que estar abiertos a esa perspectiva. ¿Realmente queremos luchar por la felicidad momentánea o queremos trabajar para la felicidad eterna con Jesucristo?

La respuesta es tan simple que no habrá quien te lo pierdas.

Puedo decir con seguridad que todos nosotros ya tenemos la respuesta.

Diácono Tom

Thursday, August 22, 2013

John McWhorter

John McWhorter is an associate professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University. He earned his PhD in linguistics from Stanford University in 1993 and became associate professor of linguistics at UC Berkeley after teaching at Cornell University. He was senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute from 2002 until 2010. He is the author of What Language Is (and What It Isn’t and What It Could Be)The Power of Babel: A Natural History of LanguageDoing Our Own Thing: The Degradation of Language and Music in America and Why We Should, Like, Care and Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue: Untold Stories in the History of English, as well as Authentically BlackWinning the Race: Beyond the Crisis in Black America, and All About the Beat: Why Hip Hop Can’t Save Black America. He is also contributing editor for The New Republic, columnist for The New York Daily News and has been contributing editor at and City Journal.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

My Brothers,

As receivers of the message of Our Lord Jesus Christ we will indeed cause division. This division will occur within ourselves, our communities, our families, and among our friends. This conflict is not the intent of Jesus but it is because of the exercising of each person's free will. There will be those who reject Jesus and those who refuse to except God's gift of salvation. This will lead to much anger and a lot of confusion when relating to people who choose not to embrace Christ fully in their lives. We see this constantly and have been warned by Christ that this would occur. Throughout Sacred Scriptures this is also evident. All of the prophets were ultimately rejected for what they had to say and thus God was rejected also. Throughout their prophetic life, they struggled against the people that they loved the most. They sacrificed their health and well-being in order to fulfill the obligations of their office. At times they were lonely, destitute, and in fear of their lives. Many died because of their mission.

As we continue our spiritual development, we will find ourselves in conflict with our past. We will struggle to overcome our old selves and our old ways. Even though we did a lot of wrong and made mistakes, we may be more comfortable with them in comparison to the new creations that we have become. This is understandable. It is part of the spiritual battle that we all are engaged in. Even though sin leads to destruction, we are attracted to it because of the promises of momentary pleasure and because of our fallen nature. Yes, we will all still make mistakes but the difference now is that we are renewing ourselves through repentance and contrition. Admitting that we are wrong is also difficult. People prefer to self-justify instead of admitting their faults. Thus we bring division within ourselves which leads to a constant tug-o-war. This will not always feel good or be pleasing to us but it is necessary; just as necessary as Christ's crucifixion. A transformation, especially into something new and different, is always difficult but it is for the better. The rewards will be endless in comparison to living a life without God. If we do not strive to recognize God how can we ever be happy with ourselves?

As we continue our journey of faith, people will notice a difference within us. Our behaviors will change and with that our personality. There will be those people who are uncomfortable with this because they are uncomfortable with themselves. We will be accused of judging others when the only thing that we are trying to do is live a life by and through Jesus Christ. It is actually those individuals who are judging. They were more comfortable when everyone was immersed in sin. They prefer not to examine themselves and feel threatened when others attempt to correct themselves. Unfortunately, when faced with this, they only option we have is to pray for them and preserve our salvation. If they come to us, we may guide them. If they instead choose to criticize, then our words become like pearls in front of swine.

We cannot be frustrated or angry when we are confronted in a negative manner. Just like Christ, we must accept the things they say and do. We then bless them and walk away much the same way Christ did when he was oftentimes reject by those he preached to. This may hurt us a great deal when it comes from those whom we love but they must be allowed to make their decisions. We can show them the light and the way to truth but we cannot force them to walk the path. That is ultimately up to them.

Our struggle is very hard. We are working towards a perfection that we will never reach until we are joined with our God. Yet, it is worth it. As we continue to let God shape us and form us into a more perfect being, the more things will be revealed to us. The more things are revealed, the happier we will be. We will not have to rely on worldly pleasures that we have indulged in. We will have our relationship with God. The missing piece has always been our spirituality. It is something can easily be overlooked. We exercise our body, our mind, but forget about our soul even though it is eternal while the other two are not.

Even though divisions are present in our lives, this does not mean we have to encourage them. We all have so much to work upon in ourselves. Jesus makes this clear in his remarking about the plank in our own eye. It will never be fully removed. There will always be fragments and splinters left behind for us to work on. We are encouraged to just smile and know that Christ is walking with us. There is so much good work to do, why focus on the bad? He showed us how to endure all the humiliation and punishment: carry the cross all the way to Calvary. He will indeed meet us there always.

Deacon Tom

Mis hermanos,

Como receptores del mensaje de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, de hecho causar división. Esta división se producirá dentro de nosotros mismos, a nuestras comunidades, nuestras familias, y entre nuestros amigos. Este conflicto no es la intención de Jesús, sino que es por el ejercicio de la libre voluntad de cada persona. Habrá aquellos que rechazan a Jesús y los que se niegan a exceptuar regalo de la salvación de Dios. Esto dará lugar a mucho enojo y una gran confusión cuando se relaciona con las personas que optan por no aceptar a Cristo plenamente en sus vidas. Esto lo vemos constantemente y ha advertido por Cristo que esto ocurriría. A lo largo de las Sagradas Escrituras es también evidente. Todos los profetas fueron finalmente rechazados por lo que tenían que decir y por lo tanto Dios fue rechazada también. A lo largo de su vida profética, lucharon contra las personas que más amaba. Ellos sacrifican su salud y bienestar con el fin de cumplir con las obligaciones de su cargo. A veces se sentían solos, desamparados y con miedo de sus vidas. Muchos murieron a causa de su misión.

A medida que continuamos nuestro desarrollo espiritual, nos encontraremos en conflicto con nuestro pasado. Lucharemos para superar nuestro pasado y nuestras viejas costumbres. A pesar de que hemos hecho un montón de errores y mal hecho, podemos estar más cómodo con ellos en comparación con las nuevas creaciones que nos hemos convertido. Esto es comprensible. Es parte de la batalla espiritual que todos estamos comprometidos pulg Incluso aunque el pecado lleva a la perdición, que se sienten atraídos a ella debido a las promesas de placer momentáneo y debido a nuestra naturaleza caída. Sí, vamos a todos aún cometemos errores, pero la diferencia ahora es que estamos renovando a nosotros mismos a través del arrepentimiento y la contrición. Admitir que nos equivocamos también es difícil. La gente prefiere auto-justifican en lugar de admitir sus errores. Así que traer la división dentro de nosotros mismos lo que lleva a un constante tira y afloja. Esto no siempre se siente bien o ser agradable para nosotros, pero es necesario, tan necesaria como la crucifixión de Cristo. Una transformación, sobre todo en algo nuevo y diferente, siempre es difícil, pero es para mejor. Las recompensas serán infinitas en comparación con una vida sin Dios. Si no nos esforzamos por reconocer a Dios ¿cómo podemos estar contentos con nosotros mismos?

A medida que continuamos nuestro camino de fe, la gente se dará cuenta de la diferencia dentro de nosotros. Nuestros comportamientos cambian y con ello nuestra personalidad. Habrá aquellas personas que se sienten incómodos con esto porque no se sienten cómodos con ellos mismos. Vamos a ser acusados ​​de juzgar a los demás cuando lo único que estamos tratando de hacer es vivir una vida de Jesucristo y por Jesucristo. En realidad, las personas que están juzgando. Eran más cómodos cuando todo el mundo estaba inmerso en el pecado. Prefieren no examinarse a sí mismos y se sienten amenazados cuando los demás tratan de corregirse a sí mismos. Por desgracia, cuando se enfrentan a esto, única opción que tenemos es orar por ellos y preservar nuestra salvación. Si vienen a nosotros, podemos guiarlos. Si en lugar de elegir a criticar, entonces nuestras palabras se vuelven como perlas delante de los cerdos.

No podemos estar frustrado o enojado cuando nos enfrentamos de una manera negativa. Al igual que Cristo, debemos aceptar las cosas que dicen y hacen. A continuación, les bendecimos y te alejas de la misma manera que Cristo hizo cuando fue rechazar a menudo por aquellos que él predicó. Esto nos puede doler mucho cuando se trata de aquellos a quienes amamos, pero que se debe permitir que tomen sus decisiones. Podemos mostrarles la luz y el camino a la verdad, pero no podemos obligarlos a caminar por la senda. Esto es en última instancia, depende de ellos.

Nuestra lucha es muy dura. Estamos trabajando hacia una perfección que nunca vamos a llegar hasta que nos unimos con nuestro Dios. Sin embargo, vale la pena. A medida que continuamos dejar que Dios nos forma y nos forma en un ser más perfecto, más cosas se darán a conocer a nosotros. Cuantas más cosas se revelan, más felices seremos. No vamos a tener que depender de los placeres mundanos que hemos complacen pulg Tendremos nuestra relación con Dios. La pieza que falta ha sido siempre nuestra espiritualidad. Es algo que puede ser pasado por alto fácilmente. Nos ejercitamos nuestro cuerpo, nuestra mente, pero nos olvidamos de nuestra alma a pesar de que es eterno, mientras que los otros dos no lo son.

A pesar de las divisiones están presentes en nuestras vidas, esto no significa que tenemos que animarlos. Todos tenemos mucho que trabajar sobre en nosotros mismos. Jesús deja claro en su comentando sobre la viga en nuestro propio ojo. Esto nunca será completamente eliminado. Siempre habrá fragmentos y astillas dejadas para nosotros trabajar en. Se nos anima a sólo sonreír y saber que Cristo camina con nosotros. Hay tantas cosas buenas por hacer, ¿por qué centrarse en el mal? Él nos enseñó a soportar toda la humillación y el castigo: llevar la cruz todo el camino al Calvario. Él ciertamente nos encontraremos allí siempre.

Diácono Tom

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Wednesday and Thursday we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary the Mother of God, is welcomed into heaven body and soul to be reunited with her son, Jesus. We are encouraged this day to meditate on the relationship between Mary and Jesus which also extends to us. Through Jesus Christ, we have become God's adopted sons and are offered a royal birthright that unites us with our Father. Because of this, Mary is viewed as our Eternal Mother and intercessor in a most beautiful way. She loves us as our own and is always here in our time of need. She is also a messenger for her son and is known to speak on his behalf; tempering the message with a paternal emotion that exudes tenderness and a genuine care for our salvation.

We are encouraged to look to Mary as a model of our own lives and how we interact with other people. We must love with the same earnest and purity that Mary has for her son and us. Christ himself delivered us the Greatest Commandment:

You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart,
and with your whole soul,
and with all your mind.

This is the greatest and the first commandment.
And the second is like it:
you shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Through Christ and his sacrifice we learn how to love and Mary defines it further with the paternal love that she brings. We are constantly invited to participate in this relationship by accepting God in our lives and living it with God and his love. We cannot fully enjoy this experience without opening our hearts and minds to God and surrendering ourselves to him with complete innocence and abandon. We must further admit that to accept God is to relinquish control of our lives; a control that usually leads to our own destruction. This act may leave us exposed and vulnerable but it also forms a relationship of trust. This trust is developed through love as defined by Christ and Mary.

Our faith insures our salvation. When we are weak or when we feel lost, we must look to Mary our Mother for that help and tenderness that only a mother can offer. She when then take our hand and lead us to her son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Deacon Tom

Miércoles y jueves se celebrará la solemnidad de la Asunción de la Bienaventurada Virgen María. María, la Madre de Dios, se da la bienvenida al cielo en cuerpo y alma a reunirse con su hijo, Jesús. Nos alienta el día de hoy a meditar sobre la relación entre María y Jesús, que se extiende también a nosotros. Por medio de Jesucristo, nos hemos convertido en hijos adoptivos de Dios y se les ofrece un derecho de nacimiento real que nos une con nuestro Padre. Por esta razón, María es vista como Madre Eterna e intercesor de la manera más hermosa. Ella nos ama como nuestro propio y siempre está aquí, en nuestro tiempo de necesidad. Ella es también un mensajero de su hijo y se sabe que hablar en su nombre; templar el mensaje con una emoción paternal que rezuma ternura y cuidado genuino para nuestra salvación.

Se nos anima a mirar a María como modelo de nuestras propias vidas y cómo nos relacionamos con otras personas. Debemos amar con la misma seriedad y pureza que María tiene a su hijo y nosotros. Cristo mismo nos entregó el mandamiento más importante:

Amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón,
y con toda tu alma,
y con toda tu mente.

Este es el mayor y el primer mandamiento.
Y el segundo es semejante a éste:
Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo.

Por medio de Cristo y su sacrificio aprendemos cómo amar y María lo define aún más con el amor paternal que ella trae. Se nos invita constantemente a participar en esta relación mediante la aceptación de Dios en nuestras vidas y vivir con Dios y su amor. No podemos disfrutar plenamente de esta experiencia sin necesidad de abrir nuestras mentes y corazones a Dios y entregarse a Él con completa inocencia y el abandono. Hay que reconocer, además, que para aceptar a Dios es renunciar al control de nuestras vidas, un control que por lo general lleva a nuestra propia destrucción. Este acto puede dejarnos expuestos y vulnerables, sino que también forma una relación de confianza. Esta confianza se desarrolla a través del amor tal como se define por Cristo y María.

Nuestra fe asegura nuestra salvación. Cuando somos débiles o cuando nos sentimos perdidos, debemos mirar a María nuestra Madre para que la ayuda y la ternura que sólo una madre puede ofrecer. Ella cuando luego tomar nuestra mano y nos lleve a su Hijo, Nuestro Señor Jesucristo.

Diácono Tom

Sunday, August 11, 2013

It is very easy to say that we believe in God. Over 90% of the people in the United States of America say that they do. The challenge is to act on the statement and make it a central theme in our lives. If so many people do in fact believe in God then why are there so many problems in society today? It is almost like an after-thought that individuals make such a statement. They do not realize its implications. Believing in a creator indicates that we are all answerable to the one who brought us into existence. We are being watched over and guided in a particular way that insinuates that we have surrendered some aspect of control over our lives. The role of the creator might be defined differently by different people but the end result is the same: there is faith in something beyond this physical reality and we should all contemplate what it truly means.

In our lives we naturally struggle to control our actions in the present and into the future. There is an inclination to strive for some sort of freedom to pursue what we want to say and do. Happiness can be based on how much freedom we can actually achieve and is founded in the accomplishment of set goals that we put forth. An overall plan is naturally formulated that has its foundation in various tasks which are carried out daily. The more things that are completed to our satisfaction the more we feel content. When we are confronted with obstacles we spend time and effort to overcome these obstacles and continue our journey. The plan then continues forward with modifications and adjustments. Through it all, we become the central player in this design while those around us take a secondary role either supporting or interfering with it.

Some questions for all of us are these: “Where does God fit into this plan? What role does God have in our overall pursuit of freedom and happiness?” Unfortunately these questions are not asked enough. God is reduced to a secondary role and goes unrecognized as the one who created us. We become blinded by our own desires and reduce our creator to an inactive participant with no real influence. It is a natural phenomenon that is permeating throughout the world today. There is no reliance on God; only a passing recognition that he is out there somewhere. The results of this are evident everywhere by the presence of so much stress, anxiety, and perceived failure of the self and society.

We are not failures. We are human and with that reality we will make mistakes and will not accomplish anything to the perfection that we want to see. There will always be something that is missing from our lives; that missing piece of the puzzle that alludes us at every turn. It is a great mystery but is part of the human condition that drives us forward. We are sculptors working on ourselves; trying to mold ourselves into a masterpiece that we can put on display. Unfortunately, we are not perfect so our project will not be perfect. There will always be something lacking that will challenge us and prevent us from completing the project. We will convince ourselves to continue working on it but it will never be finished.

The reason for this is simple: we cannot complete it because we did not start it. God indeed created us and is continuing to shape us at the same time that we are struggling to participate in the process. There are two artists working on us at the same time; one is perfect and the other is not. We are actually struggling against our creator instead of letting go and letting him have a greater influence over the work that he started. This leads to conflict on a physical and spiritual level. Taking a moment to step back and release ourselves is exactly what we need to do so as to reach that perfection that we cannot reach alone.

Sacred Scripture offers us God's Divine Plan for humanity. Through it we can understand what God wants for us and can offer us an opportunity to discover how he is shaping us. It is the initial step in a relationship that is then strengthened through prayer and an understanding that he is with us in a loving way. We are an important part of this creation around us yet many of us don't realize it because we are too busy trying to change it with our own vision that at times doesn't even include God. Removing God and his love from his creation is a dangerous thing. A void becomes evident in our lives and everything around us. It is illogical to take away the only perfect thing in the universe and try to live without it. We are offered the perfect yet incline ourselves towards the imperfect.

To complete our plan we must welcome the perfect back into ourselves and let it influence everything that we do. That perfect is God and his love. We must embrace God and surrender everything to him. We will then have the answer to all the questions that we seek that usually include why we are here and how are we to be truly happy and content with our lives. Our own plans can then be redrawn with us taking a secondary roles while God becomes the primary mover. With him guiding us we will definitely be steered in the right directly. For he is perfect in every way, especially in the way that he loves us.

Deacon Tom

Es muy fácil decir que creemos en Dios. Más del 90% de las personas en los Estados Unidos dicen que lo hacen. El reto es actuar en el estado y que sea un tema central en nuestras vidas. Si tanta gente, de hecho, creen en Dios, entonces, ¿por qué hay tantos problemas en la sociedad actual? Es casi como una idea tardía que los individuos hacen tal afirmación. No se dan cuenta de sus implicaciones. Creer en un creador indica que todos somos responsables ante el que nos trajo a la existencia. Estamos siendo vigilados y guiados de una manera particular, que insinúa que nos hemos rendido algún aspecto de control sobre nuestras vidas. El papel del creador podría definirse de manera diferente por diferentes personas, pero el resultado final es el mismo: no hay fe en algo más allá de la realidad física y todos debemos contemplar lo que realmente significa.

En nuestras vidas, naturalmente, lucha por controlar nuestras acciones en el presente y en el futuro. Hay una tendencia a luchar por una especie de libertad para perseguir lo que queremos decir y hacer. La felicidad se basa en el grado de libertad que realmente puede lograr y se basa en la realización de los objetivos fijados que ponemos sucesivamente. Un plan general se formula natural que tiene su fundamento en las diversas tareas que se llevan a cabo diariamente. Cuanto más cosas que se completan a nuestra satisfacción, más nos sentimos contenidos. Cuando nos enfrentamos a obstáculos que gastamos tiempo y esfuerzo para superar estos obstáculos y continuar nuestro viaje. El plan continúa adelante con modificaciones y ajustes. A pesar de todo, nos convertimos en el actor central en este diseño, mientras que los que nos rodean toman un papel secundario que apoyen o interferir con ella.

Algunas preguntas para todos nosotros son las siguientes: "¿De dónde viene Dios encaja en este plan? ¿Qué papel tiene Dios en nuestra búsqueda global de la libertad y la felicidad? "Desafortunadamente estas preguntas no se hacen suficientes. Dios es reducido a un papel secundario y no se reconoce como el que nos creó. Llegamos a ser cegados por nuestros propios deseos y reducir nuestro creador a un participante inactivo sin influencia real. Es un fenómeno natural que se impregna en todo el mundo hoy en día. No hay confianza en Dios, y sólo un reconocimiento que pasa es que en alguna parte. Los resultados de esto son evidentes en todas partes por la presencia de tanto estrés, la ansiedad, y el fracaso percibido del individuo y la sociedad.

Nosotros no somos un fracaso. Somos humanos y con esa realidad vamos a cometer errores y no vamos a lograr nada a la perfección que queremos ver. Siempre habrá algo que falta en nuestras vidas, para que la pieza faltante del rompecabezas que nos alude a cada paso. Es un gran misterio, pero es parte de la condición humana que nos impulsa hacia adelante. Estamos escultores trabajando en nosotros mismos, tratando de moldear a nosotros mismos en una obra maestra que podemos poner en la pantalla. Por desgracia, no somos perfectos por lo que nuestro proyecto no será perfecto. Siempre habrá algo que falta que nos pondrá a prueba y nos impiden la realización del proyecto. Nos convencemos a nosotros mismos de seguir trabajando en ello, pero nunca se terminará.

La razón de esto es simple: no se puede completar porque no lo empecé. Dios ciertamente nos ha creado y continúa para moldearnos, al mismo tiempo que estamos luchando para participar en el proceso. Hay dos artistas que trabajan con nosotros, al mismo tiempo, uno es perfecto y el otro no lo es. En realidad, estamos luchando contra nuestro creador en lugar de dejar ir y dejar que él tenga una mayor influencia en la obra que él comenzó. Esto nos lleva a entrar en conflicto en un nivel físico y espiritual. Tomar un momento para dar un paso atrás y liberarnos es exactamente lo que tenemos que hacer para alcanzar esa perfección que no podemos alcanzar solos.

La Sagrada Escritura nos ofrece el Plan Divino de Dios para la humanidad. A través de ella podemos comprender lo que Dios quiere para nosotros y nosotros podemos ofrecer la oportunidad de descubrir lo que nos está dando forma. Es el primer paso en una relación que se fortalece luego a través de la oración y la comprensión de que él está con nosotros de una manera amorosa. Somos una parte importante de esta creación que nos rodea sin embargo, muchos de nosotros no nos damos cuenta porque estamos demasiado ocupados tratando de cambiar con nuestra propia visión, que a veces ni siquiera incluye a Dios. Extracción de Dios y de su amor de su creación es una cosa peligrosa. Un vacío se hace evidente en nuestras vidas y todo lo que nos rodea. Es ilógico quitar la única cosa perfecta en el universo y tratar de vivir sin él. Se nos ofrece la perfecta aún pendiente a nosotros mismos hacia lo imperfecto.

Para completar nuestro plan, debemos dar la bienvenida al nuevo perfecto en nosotros mismos y dejar que influye en todo lo que hacemos. Que perfecto es Dios y su amor. Debemos abrazar a Dios y entregarse todo a él. Entonces tendremos la respuesta a todas las preguntas que buscamos que suelen incluir por qué estamos aquí y cómo vamos a ser verdaderamente felices y contentos con nuestras vidas. Nuestros propios planes pueden entonces ser dibujada con nosotros teniendo un papel secundario mientras que Dios se convierte en el principal impulsor. Con él nos guía sin duda nos aconsejaron en el derecho directamente. Porque él es perfecto en todos los sentidos, sobre todo en la forma en que él nos ama.

Diácono Tom

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Good friends are hard to come by these days, and you've been a very good friend to Massachusetts Citizens for Life.  It has been awhile since we've heard from you, however, and I want you to know that you are missed.
Our success in working to protect life at all stages of development, from conception to natural death, is directly related to the generosity and encouragement we receive from members like you.
One of the vitally important things we are working on right now is The Gosnell Project.  We have known about the Gosnell “House of Horrors” in Philadelphia.  Now we learn that unsanitary, unsafe abortion facilities have been closed in Michigan, Maryland, Delaware, and other states.  We know an abortionist is on trial in Florida.  The worst thing we know at the moment is about Douglas Karpen, the Texas abortionist who has been accused by employees of beheading some babies using the Gosnell method and killing others as farmers used to kill chickens, by twisting off their heads!
Should we worry about what is going on at abortion facilities in Massachusetts?  We certainly should!  We know that Laura Hope Smith died in a facility in 2007.  We know that ambulances have been called to facilities somewhat frequently.
Your Mass. Citizens for Life is working to make sure there are no Gosnells here in the state.  We have sent many letters to state officials and are slowly building a picture of abortion facilities and providers.
So far, in all the documents, the thing that interests me the most is the fact that the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services told the Energy and Commerce Committee of the United Sates House of Representatives that they license “ambulatory surgical facilities” and that the only way they know which ones perform abortions are from their reporting.
The Office of HHS states that 17 hospitals in Massachusetts perform abortions and that there are three licensed “clinics” that perform abortions.  THREE   You and I would assume those three are the three Planned Parenthood facilities.  That would mean Four Women in Attleboro and Women’s Health Services in Brookline, to name a couple, are not licensed!  Yet, each of these clinics advertises itself as a “licensed clinic!”  You can name others in your area!  How is that for the safety of women?  Mass. Citizens has already requested further information in our quest to bring things out in the open and up to standard.  In other states, when standards have been enforced, facilities have closed.
The public knowing about “clinic” conditions has the same educational potential as the partial birth abortion ban, which permanently flipped public opinion our way.
This is one example of the work Mass. Citizens is doing to protect life.  It will be difficult but we can pull this off if you help.
I ask you please take a moment now to join, or donate, We are truly a movement of the people.  Please do whatever you can to continue and expand your life-saving support.
Thank you for your life-saving support!     

Sunday, August 4, 2013

How are we to be happy in this life? There are certain expectations that are taught to us from an early age that in order to be happy we need to work hard, educate ourselves, acquire a certain amount of money, and purchase material goods. We are constantly bombarded with advertisements and images that reinforce this point of view. Society tells us that it can make all of us happy if only we surrender to our passions, needs, and wants. These all revolve around someone or something stimulating our senses and providing some sort of entertainment. If we take a moment and reflect on how many advertisements we encounter on a daily basis we can easily come to the conclusion that from the moment that we wake up to the moment we fall asleep, someone is trying to sell us something so that we can be happy. Are we really that miserable that we have to constantly strive to enjoy ourselves to that extent? Do we really have to structure our lives around seeking physical and mental pleasure?

When we focus on materialism and pleasure we risk the danger of becoming lost in this world. The focus becomes less on God and more on society. God is removed from his creation; selfish gain and the pursuit of passions are put in his place. With this comes intense anxiety as the goals of self-gain and prosperity are sought after while our spirituality is ignored. We convince ourselves that to be happy we must fulfill the expectations of a society that only wants us to produce and consume at an alarming rate. Everything becomes a business where one person gains while another person loses. The individual person and his or her value is lost.

Everything in this world has the danger of becoming an addiction. We form patterns of behavior around the simplest of things from the kind of liquids we drink to where we prefer to buy clothes. Things are purchased for pleasure and not out of necessity. We convince ourselves that the more that we consume the happier that we will be. The measure of a good person is based upon how much earning potential he or she has and the items that are owned. Meanwhile, other people suffer because of this sort of behavior. There are those who are considered the winners and there are those who lose. The ones who lose are the ones who do not have the capability to produce or consume enough in the world to be noticed. A person's self-worth is calculated on how much money they have.

Is this what God intended? Since our creation we have struggled to emulate God by convincing ourselves that we can transform his creation into our own. To an extent this is acceptable since our free will was indeed a gift from God and through the exercising of it we have made great use of everything that makes us unique to advance civilization and lift up the human condition. We as persons have done great and glorious things. Yet, we have also failed miserably when we forget about God. People are suffering and dying every day. Through our own actions and inaction we have brought about much pain and torment into this world. The suffering of the individual is forgotten if it does not provide some sort of value for the whole.

The only thing eternal in this world is God. We were created by him out of love and we are called to love him. When we do love him and live our lives loving him then the proper way to conduct ourselves in this world comes into focus. Each individual becomes a unique and important part of our existence. No one person is more important than another. No one becomes forgotten. Jesus tells us that we cannot serve both God and Mammon. In other worlds, we cannot keep focusing on earthly desires while professing that we love God. Material wealth should never matter in comparison to the person. Material gain and pleasure cannot compare with the pleasure of loving God. Our relationship with God is eternal. Everything else in this world will expire.

To fully enjoy this love we must live it together as one family with God central in all of our actions and emotions. The more that we strengthen our relationship with him the more we can appreciate how precious our life and the lives of all those around us are. We can then pursue the thing that has evaded us the most in this life: true happiness and joy.

Deacon Tom

¿Cómo vamos a ser felices en esta vida? Hay ciertas expectativas que se enseñan a nosotros desde una edad temprana que para ser feliz hay que trabajar duro, educarnos, adquirir una cierta cantidad de dinero, y la compra de los bienes materiales. Estamos constantemente bombardeados con anuncios e imágenes que refuerzan este punto de vista. La sociedad nos dice que puede hacer que todos nosotros felices si sólo nos entregamos a nuestras pasiones, necesidades y deseos. Todos ellos giran en torno a algo o alguien estimular nuestros sentidos y ofrecer algún tipo de entretenimiento. Si tomamos un momento para reflexionar sobre la cantidad de anuncios que nos encontramos a diario podemos fácilmente llegar a la conclusión de que desde el momento en que nos despertamos hasta el momento en que nos quedamos dormidos, alguien está tratando de vender algo para que podamos ser feliz. ¿Estamos realmente tan miserables que tenemos que luchar constantemente para disfrutar de nosotros mismos en esa medida? ¿Realmente tenemos que estructurar nuestras vidas alrededor de la búsqueda de placer físico y mental?

Cuando nos enfocamos en el materialismo y el placer nos arriesgamos al peligro de perderse en este mundo. El enfoque se hace menos en Dios y más en la sociedad. Dios está separado de su creación, la avaricia y la búsqueda de las pasiones se ponen en su lugar. Con esto viene la ansiedad intensa como los objetivos de beneficio propio y la prosperidad son buscados, mientras que nuestra espiritualidad se ignora. Nos convencemos de que para ser feliz hay que cumplir con las expectativas de una sociedad que sólo quiere que producimos y consumimos a un ritmo alarmante. Todo se convierte en un negocio donde una persona gana, mientras que otra persona pierda. Se pierde la persona y su valor.

Todo en este mundo tiene el peligro de convertirse en una adicción. Formamos patrones de conducta en torno a las cosas más simples de la clase de líquidos que bebemos a donde prefiere comprar ropa. Las cosas se compran por placer y no por necesidad. Nos convencemos de que cuanto más consumimos más felices que seremos. La medida de una buena persona se basa en la cantidad de ingresos potenciales que él o ella tiene y los elementos que posea. Mientras tanto, otras personas sufren a causa de este tipo de comportamiento. Hay quienes se consideran los ganadores y hay quienes pierden. Los que pierden son los que no tienen la capacidad de producir o consumir suficiente en el mundo para hacerse notar. Una persona de la autoestima se calcula sobre la cantidad de dinero que tienen.

¿Es esto lo que Dios quiere? Desde nuestra creación hemos tenido problemas para emular a Dios por convencernos a nosotros mismos que podemos transformar su creación en el nuestro. Hasta cierto punto esto es aceptable ya que nuestro libre albedrío era de hecho un regalo de Dios y por medio del ejercicio de que hemos hecho un buen uso de todo lo que nos hace únicos para promover la civilización y elevar la condición humana. Nosotros, como personas que hemos hecho cosas grandes y gloriosas. Sin embargo, también hemos fracasado miserablemente cuando nos olvidamos de Dios. Las personas que sufren y mueren cada día. A través de nuestras propias acciones y omisiones que hemos traído mucho dolor y tormento en este mundo. El sufrimiento de la persona se olvida si no proporciona algún tipo de valor para el conjunto.

La única cosa eterna en este mundo es Dios. Fuimos creados por él por amor y nos llama a amarlo. Cuando nosotros lo amamos y vivimos nuestras vidas amarlo entonces la forma apropiada para llevar a cabo nosotros mismos en este mundo entra en el foco. Cada individuo se convierte en una parte única e importante de nuestra existencia. Una sola persona no es más importante que otro. Nadie se olvida. Jesús nos dice que no podemos servir a Dios ya las riquezas. En otros mundos, no podemos seguir haciendo hincapié en los deseos terrenales mientras profesan que amamos a Dios. La riqueza material nunca debe importar en comparación con la persona. Ganancia material y el placer no se puede comparar con el placer de amar a Dios. Nuestra relación con Dios es eterna. Todo lo demás en este mundo expirará.

Para disfrutar plenamente de este amor que debemos vivir juntos como una familia con Dios en el centro de todas nuestras acciones y emociones. Cuanto más nos fortalecemos nuestra relación con él, más podemos apreciar lo precioso que nuestra vida y la vida de todos los que nos rodean son. A continuación, puede seguir lo que nos ha eludido la mayoría en esta vida: la verdadera felicidad y la alegría.

Diácono Tom

Thursday, August 1, 2013

What I’m about to tell you will back up
everything you believe about the
Blessed Mother and her rosary.

Dear Mr. Ritchie,
What I’m about to tell you will back up everything you believe about the Blessed Mother and her rosary.
I am a volunteer in the sheriff’s department detention ministry program here in [name of city deleted], California. One afternoon, when I was done with Catholic services held for six pods (6 very large cells), I said ‘goodnight’ to the officers and began making my way toward the elevator to exit the jail.
I was wondering if we were really making a difference with the inmates. Were they learning anything? Were they paying attention? Were they praying only during the sessions together?
Just as I was getting ready to enter the elevator [to exit], two police officers came running, calling me back. I thought: what now?
They approached me and said, “We are really glad to see you when you come here for services.” He was talking to me and John C., my assistant.
“When those convicts come out of your services, they actually come out tranquilized. There is no fuss; they go to their pods and relax at the tables or their bunks.”
Continuing, he said: “One day, we saw the inmates starting to gather around the beds. We thought that something was about to happen for that’s what they do when a fight is about to break out. We alerted other officers and the group [of inmates] kept growing.”
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“We got ready and just as we were about to go in to break it up, all of a sudden they pulled out their rosaries from their pockets, dropped to their knees bowing their heads, and began their prayer. We were so surprised....astounded! We stayed away and just watched.”
“We never have problems with the Catholics that go to your services. We want you to know that you guys make a difference here.”
We (John and I) thanked them for the info and left very gratified knowing that our questions were answered in the only way they could have been answered…by our Blessed Mother. She had control there where normally only Satan has control, and she wanted us to know it!
In my thirteen years there I have seen many things that have rocked me to the bone. This is only one of them.
Mr. Ritchie, if I could help with more dollars I would, but even some of us are hard pressed at times. I make it the best way I can and even then God does not let me go broke.
He reminds me when I pick up a penny, nickel, dime, quarters, and, yes, even dollar bills laying on the sidewalk or parking lot. He has a great way of saying, ‘Don’t worry, Sal, I got you covered.’
Mr. Ritchie, you are doing very great things on a very great scale. Don’t worry, God has your back, too.
Yours truly in Christ,
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P.S. Note to Salvador and all of our dear America Needs Fatima members: YOU all, after Our Lady, are what keeps us pushing ahead. We can only do the things we do because of your prayers and financial generosity, and Our Lady’s kindness. Please never forget that. You are responsible for what we do and share in it all.
And thank you for your letter and may Our Lady reward you for such an important spiritual work of mercy.
Our Lady showed that she wants such apostolate done with unfortunate prisoners (and all people) when she allowed her very innocent and tender Fatima seers be thrown in jail with hardened criminals and, by the time they were released, the innocent ones had all those prisoners praying a rosary together!
She is a friend and mother of repentant prisoners.
Refugium peccatorum, ora pro nobis! (Refuge of sinners, pray for us!)
 The above unsolicited Story of Mary is taken from a recent letter from a member of America Needs Fatima to Mr. Robert Ritchie, Executive Director of America Needs Fatima.