Sunday, September 22, 2013

Living in the world today can be very challenging and difficult. We all face obstacles to true happiness that are either created by us, society, or Satan. When we focus completely on our relationship with Jesus Christ, the choices we make are more apt to be the right ones and we then can be content with who we are in relation to our God. Yet, we still have to live in place where what we feel and believe are not compatible with the beliefs and conduct of other people. Society was not created by God so it is not perfect and actually works against him. Us, being God's children, are in the same position. Society will ultimately reject much of what we stand for even though it is for the ultimate good. Society permeates with the presence of Satan and the allures of sin. We need to be ever watchful of the evil influences that can easily divert ourselves from salvation. They may appear as nonthreatening presences at first but that is part of the deception that they bring. Every decision that we make just may expose one of our weaknesses which will then invite in other opportunities to sin. We are our own watchmen and are responsible for ourselves and for those who are in our communities. As long as we remain ever vigilant in our duties and responsibilities, Christ will be able to guide us and protect us. When we falter, we are actually turning away from God and that makes it difficult for him to get our attention.

The universe is God's masterpiece. We are truly called to enjoy and appreciate our lives. Being here, alive today, is an invitation to celebrate who we are and what we stand for. But God must be central to all of it if we are to live rightly. At the same time, we are reminded that we cannot live a separate existence from the world around us. Our Holy Father has told us very recently that The Mother Church is inclusive and welcoming to all. Christ died for everyone since creation began until the end of time. There will be those who are still questioning, those who have been misled, and those who are still completely lost. Regardless, everyone has the opportunity for transformation and salvation. We will be interacting with all these individuals as well as those who are sharers in the truth. There will be times when not all of the influences that we encounter will be positive ones. It is then that we need to recognize who we truly love and who we truly serve.

A powerful image to help us in life is that of us being a servant to God; a slave commissioned to carry out duties and responsibilities in his name. When we do well and execute our duties properly, we can expect to be rewarded. When we fail, we will be punished. If we develop this understanding then we are more able to succeed in our faith-life and achieve ultimate happiness. Every day, we can see ourselves carrying out our responsibilities not for ourselves but completely and entirely for God. We live to please our master and will not be happy ourselves if we upset him. Our life is a life of service. When our master is pleased, we are pleased. Our existence is conjoined with his.

Those who do not have God in their lives also serve a master. It is the master of the physical world, temptation, and sin. We need to recognize and the accept the presence of this reality but do not have to indulge in what is offered. If we do, then we have not fulfilled our duties and responsibilities. It has to be all God All the time. That is the mindset of a good servant.

A master is always looking for more servants and we are asked to go out and invite others into servitude with God; being ever watchful that the master of evil and deceit is also looking for others to serve him. We must be cautious not to accidentally fulfill the wishes of Satan instead of those of God because of what we say and do. God wants us to love him and celebrate our existence through him. We cannot be blinded by short-term pleasure, material gain, or entertainment. These things may feel pleasant but can blur and dismiss the presence of God. God will not leave, but the pleasures of society will always end and that time that could have been spent with God is lost; never to be gained again.

We cannot take God for granted. When we do, we are actually belittling ourselves and wasting our potential. Being the property of God, we are actually destined for greatness in everything. Yet, we are challenged to recognize this greatness and use it to its fullest potential. Embracing the trappings of an indulgent society is choosing not to be great but mediocre. God's love will lift us up to highest heights where the servants and slaves are glorified. No other master can offer what he offers to us.

Deacon Tom


  1. Deacon Tom,

    You wrote,

    "Society was not created by God so it is not perfect and actually works against Him."

    I'm not comprehending how a fallen society is working against God.

    I work from the premise that when mankind fell, original sin, so did the entire world we live in. The prince of this Earth is satan, who happens to be a pawn of God. I also believe that there is nothing we can do to alter God's plan. Between Deuteronomy and Exodus the blueprint of society is written out. Are you referring to society prior to that? i.e. before the Law?

    Could you clarify the sentence I quoted so I have a clearer understanding for what you are conveying?


  2. Sure my brother:

    I agree with your premise that the entire world was corrupted by Original Sin. Because of this, evil and sin are present throughout the world. Only God is perfectly good and he is calling us to love him. All of Sacred Scripture is our Salvation Story reaching a climax through Jesus Christ through which we can achieve redemption.

    We have a choice either to return to God or turn away from him.

    Because of our fallen nature, society throughout the world contains evil influences and sin which we are susceptible to.

    Satan, even if he is a pawn of God which you can argue, has free will also and is working against our salvation. We have a clear choice between God or Satan. If God is central in our lives, then Satan can have less of an effect on us.

    Those who do not have God completely central in their lives is more suseptible to the allures of evil and Satan. Because God is not central in Society, it works as a tool of Satan.

    The Blue Print of Society might be written out but the problem is that not everyone has followed it. God may have foresaw this, of course, but the results of this world all stem from our Free Will.

    I hope I clarified this for you. Thank you for your comments.

    God Bless.
