Saturday, April 25, 2015

Suggested Reading: John 10: 11-18

Jesus Christ is Our Lord, God, and Savior. It is through him that we achieve happiness, purpose, and a self-worth that puts us on a level with kings. For we are his children and, as his children, have received a birthright that transcends any other that has come before. Some may claim that these statements are founded on arrogance yet, how can it be anything of the sort if it is indeed true? We need to start with this very premise in order to develop our relationship with Jesus Christ. It is through this acknowledgement that we are then able to approach Jesus as we should: with love, respect, and a surrendering of oneself. This may appear to be very difficult at first, for we are taught that the act of surrendering is a sign of weakness; a demonstration of loss. This is Satan at work; manipulating our free will in order that it may rebel against our savior. Actually, surrendering is the most unselfish and bravest action someone can do so as to demonstrate one’s love for another. Jesus presented us with that model through the Passion. He loved us so much that he surrendered himself to us for crucifixion that that we may achieve eternal life as Children of God.

Every action of Christ has a purpose. Through the Incarnation Jesus became man and brought the Sacred Scriptures to their fulfillment. Everything which came before is now seen through the lenses of Jesus Christ. It all has reached perfection. In its arrogance, society continues to reject what has been so obviously revealed,  turning towards worldly allures and comforts to find a far lesser and imperfect happiness. Jesus indicated through his ministry that this would indeed happen and it was emphasized in Psalm 118:

“The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
23the Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes.
24The Lord has done it this very day;
let us rejoice today and be glad.”

Yes, Jesus has been rejected by many in this world and will continue to do so. Many false prophets have come before and after Jesus, claiming to be the key to salvation. Yet, Jesus approaches this with a deep understanding and love that we can learn from. Each individual person, a beautiful creation of God, is important and wonderful. We are all unique and special in the eyes of God. There are those who have embraced Christ as the Savior while there are others who continue down a different path; exploring their faith and questioning everything that comes before them. Everyone is on their own separate Journey of faith and will face unique obstacles and challenges which will define their relationship with God. Just because someone might find themselves further down the road to salvation than someone else doesn’t mean that God loves them more. We are all equal and special in the Eyes of God.
Jesus is not only the Shephard to those who have recognized him but he is the Shephard to all, for we are all children of God. Jesus acknowleged there are those who are not following him yet he has still claimed them as his own. For it is through him and in him that all things were created. He suffered and died so that all may retain eternal life. This is not something that any of us have earned but it was given to everyone freely and equally. There will be those who accept him quickly and there will be those who will only realize who this Jesus Christ is when he is revealed to them completely upon their death. Then there will be those who reject him completely. It is not for us or anyone else to decide who is worthy or unworthy of the Gift of Salvation.
The most we can all do is be comforted with the knowledge that we have an advocate such as Jesus and through his presence in the world salvation permeates throughout creation. It is through this knowledge that we can all experience his love and bring it to fruitation.

Deacon Tom

Suggested Reading: John 10: 11-18

Jesucristo es el Señor, Dios y Salvador. Es a través de él que alcanzamos la felicidad, propósito y una autoestima que nos pone a la altura de los reyes. Porque nosotros somos sus hijos y, como sus hijos, han recibido un derecho de nacimiento que trasciende cualquier otro que ha llegado antes. Algunos pueden reclamar que estas declaraciones se basan en la arrogancia, sin embargo, ¿cómo puede ser algo por el estilo, si bien es cierto? Tenemos que empezar con esta premisa para el desarrollo de nuestra relación con Jesucristo. Es a través de este reconocimiento de que somos capaces de acercarse a Jesús como deberíamos: con amor, respeto y una rendición de uno mismo. Esto puede parecer muy difícil al principio, porque se nos enseña que el acto de rendición es un signo de debilidad; una demostración de la pérdida. Esta es Satanás en el trabajo; la manipulación de nuestro libre albedrío a fin de que pueden rebelarse contra nuestro salvador. En realidad, es la rendición alguien acción más desinteresado y valiente puede hacer a fin de demostrar el amor de uno por otro. Jesús nos presentó con ese modelo a través de la Pasión. Él nos amó tanto que se entregó a sí mismo a nosotros para la crucifixión que para que podamos alcanzar la vida eterna como hijos de Dios.

Cada acción de Cristo tiene un propósito. A través de la Encarnación de Jesús se hizo hombre y trajo las Sagradas Escrituras para su cumplimiento. Todo lo que vino antes de ahora se ve a través de los lentes de Jesucristo. Todo ha alcanzado la perfección. En su arrogancia, la sociedad sigue rechazando lo que se ha revelado tan obviamente, volviéndose hacia encantos mundanos y comodidades para encontrar una felicidad mucho menor e imperfecto. Jesús indicó a través de su ministerio que esto sería hecho pasar y se hizo hincapié en el Salmo 118:

"La piedra que los constructores rechazaron
se ha convertido en la piedra angular;
23El Señor ha hecho esto,
y es maravilloso a nuestros ojos.
24El Señor lo ha hecho el día de hoy;
regocijémonos y alegrémonos hoy ".

Sí, Jesús ha sido rechazado por muchos en este mundo y continuará haciéndolo. Muchos falsos profetas han venido antes y después de Jesús, que dice ser la clave para la salvación. Sin embargo, Jesús se acerca a este con una comprensión profunda y el amor que podemos aprender. Cada persona individual, una hermosa creación de Dios, que es importante y maravilloso. Todos somos únicos y especiales a los ojos de Dios. Hay quienes han abrazado a Cristo como el Salvador, mientras que hay otros que siguen por un camino diferente; explorar su fe y cuestionar todo lo que viene por delante. Todo el mundo está en su propio viaje por separado de la fe y se enfrentará a obstáculos y desafíos únicos que definirán su relación con Dios. Sólo porque alguien podría encontrarse más por el camino a la salvación de otra persona no significa que Dios los ama más. Todos somos iguales y especial en los ojos de Dios.

Jesús no es sólo el Shephard a los que le han reconocido, pero él es el Shephard a todos, porque todos somos hijos de Dios. Jesús explícitamente reconocido que hay quienes no lo están siguiendo sin embargo, todavía les ha reclamado como suya. Porque es a través de él y en él que fueron creadas todas las cosas. Él sufrió y murió para que todos puedan conservar la vida eterna. Esto no es algo que cualquiera de nosotros se han ganado, pero fue dado a todo el mundo libre y equitativamente. Habrá los que lo aceptan de forma rápida y habrá aquellos que sólo se da cuenta de quién es este Cristo Jesús cuando se les reveló por completo después de su muerte. Entonces no habrá los que lo rechazan por completo. No es para nosotros o cualquier otra persona para decidir quién es digno o indigno del don de la salvación.

Lo más que podemos hacer todo está consolados con el conocimiento que tenemos un abogado como Jesús ya través de su presencia en la salvación del mundo impregna toda la creación. Es a través de este conocimiento que todos podemos experimentar su amor y llevarlo a fruitation.

Diácono Tom

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Suggested Reading: Acts 4:32-35

Just as it was with the first Christian Communities we all must be of one mind and one spirit. Everyone needs to be welcomed and loved through our actions and our words.  To be Christian means to live our lives according to Christ and this must be taken seriously. No, we are not perfect. Yes, we are sinners, but that does not excuse ourselves from opening our minds, hearts, and spirit to Jesus Christ. Together we all can become exemplars of the faith; overcoming any obstacle that we are confronted with through prayer, devotion, and love.

Working together without judgment creates the necessary support unit to overcome the influences of Satan and a society that offers too many pathways to sin and destruction. When someone finds themselves in crisis he or she can find the necessary help and love to subvert a moment of weakness to continue forward in their journey of faith. Through a community of believers Christianity becomes a lifestyle instead of a destination one only goes to on a given Sunday. Successes are celebrated while failures are corrected through prayer and hard work. There is no judgment; only assistance and love.

Our faith must become the pinnacle of our existence and needs to influence everything in this life of ours if we are to be truly known as Christian. There can be no limits to our faith set by judging other people or choosing when to help or love someone in need. We must be open and accepting just as Jesus Christ who made it a point to say, “For I did not come to call the righteous but sinners…” We come to him as sinners; each and every one of us. There is no one who is truly righteous. That was the point Jesus was making. Those who think they are righteous are truly blind. Gathering in a community of sinners with each person trying to lift the other one up offers all an opportunity at a better life through Jesus Christ and a better way to live by acting out the Living word of God. To fulfill our duty as Christians we must participate in our community and serve our community as well as be served. It is when we give everything in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ and share in the experience of being unburdened by materialism and the dictates of society that the full revelation of Jesus Christ can be experienced. Living and growing with Jesus is how God wanted us to participate in this gift of life of ours.

We learn of Thomas’ revelation in the Gospel Reading today. Even though his faith was tested by the news of Jesus’ Resurrection, he was the first disciple to recognize Jesus for who he was as he exclaimed, “My Lord my God!” It should be comforting to us all that Thomas, a following of Jesus and one who witnessed most of Jesus’ miracles and teachings can easily lose faith yet gain it once again and be the first to testify to the divinity of Jesus. We all should be able to relate to this through our own life experiences. I feel that we can all talk about times when we have turned away from God
then returned to him broken, bewildered, yet overcome with emotion at the opportunity of redemption.

It is our duty to take these experiences and the wisdom gained from our journey and share them with others within our community. Nothing should remain private. Christianity is not only a personal experience but a community one. It is through the community that we can then build up the Kingdom of God one person at a time.

Deacon Tom

Lectura sugerida: Hechos 4: 32-35
Así como lo hizo con las primeras comunidades cristianas que todos debemos ser de una mente y un espíritu. Todos necesitan ser acogidos y amados a través de nuestras acciones y nuestras palabras. Ser cristiano significa vivir nuestras vidas de acuerdo a Cristo y esto debe ser tomado en serio. No, no somos perfectos. Sí, somos pecadores, pero eso no es excusa para nosotros mismos de abrir nuestra mente, corazón y espíritu de Jesucristo. Juntos todos podemos llegar a ser ejemplos de la fe; superar cualquier obstáculo que nos enfrentamos a través de la oración, la devoción y el amor.
Trabajando juntos sin juicio crea la unidad de apoyo necesario para superar las influencias de Satanás y una sociedad que ofrece demasiados caminos del pecado y la destrucción. Cuando alguien se encuentra en una crisis que él o ella puede encontrar la ayuda necesaria y el amor para subvertir un momento de debilidad para seguir adelante en su camino de fe. A través de una comunidad de creyentes del cristianismo se convierte en un estilo de vida en lugar de un destino de uno solo llega a un determinado domingo. Los éxitos se celebran mientras que las fallas se corrigen a través de la oración y el trabajo duro. No hay juicio; sólo la ayuda y el amor.
Nuestra fe debe convertirse en el alto de su existencia y debe influir en todo en esta vida nuestra, si queremos ser verdaderamente conocido como cristiano. No puede haber límites a nuestra fe establecido por juzgar a los demás o la elección del momento para ayudar o amar a alguien en necesidad. Debemos estar abiertos y aceptar así como Jesús Cristo, que hizo un punto de decir: "Porque yo no he venido a llamar a los justos sino a los pecadores ..." Venimos a él como a los pecadores; todos y cada uno de nosotros. No hay uno que es verdaderamente justo. Ese fue el punto que Jesús estaba haciendo. Los que piensan que son justos son verdaderamente ciegos. Reunidos en una comunidad de pecadores con cada persona tratando de levantar el otro hasta ofertas a todos la oportunidad de tener una vida mejor a través de Jesucristo y una mejor manera de vivir mediante la representación de la palabra viva de Dios. Para cumplir con nuestro deber como cristianos debemos participar en nuestra comunidad y servir a nuestra comunidad, así como ser servido. Es cuando damos todo en el nombre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo y compartir la experiencia de ser sin la carga de materialismo y de los dictados de la sociedad que la plena revelación de Jesucristo se puede experimentar. Vivir y crecer con Jesús es como Dios quería que nosotros participamos en este regalo de la vida de los nuestros.
Aprendemos de la revelación de Thomas en el Evangelio de hoy. A pesar de que su fe fue probada por la noticia de la Resurrección de Jesús, él fue el primer discípulo a reconocer a Jesús para que él era como él exclamó: "¡Señor, Dios mío!" Debe ser reconfortante para todos nosotros que Thomas, un grupo de seguidores Jesús y que fue testigo de la mayor parte de los milagros y las enseñanzas de Jesús puede fácilmente perder la fe aún ganar una vez más y ser los primeros en dar testimonio de la divinidad de Jesús. Todos debemos ser capaces de relacionarse con esto a través de nuestras propias experiencias de vida. Creo que todos podemos hablar de momentos en los que hemos dado la espalda a Diosluego regresó a lo roto, desconcertado, sin embargo, superar la emoción ante la oportunidad de redención.
Es nuestro deber tomar estas experiencias y la sabiduría adquirida en nuestro viaje y compartirlos con otras personas dentro de nuestra comunidad. Nada debe permanecer privado. El cristianismo no es sólo una experiencia personal, sino una sola comunidad. Es a través de la comunidad que podemos construir el Reino de Dios a una persona a la vez.
Diácono Tom

Thursday, April 2, 2015


We were all given a very special gift with Father Andreas coming to the prison this past Thursday. Father Andreas used to volunteer at the prison, coming once a month to celebrate Spanish Mass. He was then transferred to a different parish that was not nearby and was unable to continue with the commitment he made. It had been over a year since Father Andreas last came to the prison when I met him at his new parish one morning. I invited him to celebrate Holy Thursday Mass at the prison and he readily agreed. I did not expect him to come on a day that was traditionally busy for any Roman Catholic Priest assigned to a city parish such as his.

What we were all given, gathering together to celebrate the Last Supper of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Institution of the Priesthood, and the Institution of the Eucharist, was an example of sacrifice and thoughtfulness. Father Andreas drove for forty minutes to arrive at the prison immediately following a funeral that he presided at. He then offered to listen to the Confessions of the inmates; spending over forty-five minutes counseling and sitting with them. He told me that he did not want to rush the mass and the time he had with them

When I planned the Holy Thursday Mass, I was expecting Father Andreas to arrive at 1:00 pm, start mass at 1:30 pm, and leave by 2:30 while there was Adoration for another hour. I did not want to encroach on his other plans for the day especially when he was concelebrating later that day at his parish so I tried to make it as easy as possible for him. What I didn’t expect was what he did for the inmates and me. He gave us all something very special in the way he ministered to the community. It was with love and with a love for what he was doing. It was as if his busy schedule did not exist. All that mattered were the inmates before him.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation was only the beginning. His Homily was in-depth and thoughtful. And when he kneeled to wash the feet of the inmates, they all were humbled by the concentration and care he took washing each of the inmates’ feet. He lowered himself to the position of a slave. The point wasn’t lost on the inmates. Every movement and every word from father Andreas was with love and with a purpose.

At the end of mass, Father Andreas asked if he could stay for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until the Eucharist was reposed. To watch him perform his office was to watch someone who was a true Servant of Christ. From the moment he arrived until he left Father Andreas made Holy Thursday beautiful and memorable.

Deacon Tom