Saturday, April 25, 2015

Suggested Reading: John 10: 11-18

Jesus Christ is Our Lord, God, and Savior. It is through him that we achieve happiness, purpose, and a self-worth that puts us on a level with kings. For we are his children and, as his children, have received a birthright that transcends any other that has come before. Some may claim that these statements are founded on arrogance yet, how can it be anything of the sort if it is indeed true? We need to start with this very premise in order to develop our relationship with Jesus Christ. It is through this acknowledgement that we are then able to approach Jesus as we should: with love, respect, and a surrendering of oneself. This may appear to be very difficult at first, for we are taught that the act of surrendering is a sign of weakness; a demonstration of loss. This is Satan at work; manipulating our free will in order that it may rebel against our savior. Actually, surrendering is the most unselfish and bravest action someone can do so as to demonstrate one’s love for another. Jesus presented us with that model through the Passion. He loved us so much that he surrendered himself to us for crucifixion that that we may achieve eternal life as Children of God.

Every action of Christ has a purpose. Through the Incarnation Jesus became man and brought the Sacred Scriptures to their fulfillment. Everything which came before is now seen through the lenses of Jesus Christ. It all has reached perfection. In its arrogance, society continues to reject what has been so obviously revealed,  turning towards worldly allures and comforts to find a far lesser and imperfect happiness. Jesus indicated through his ministry that this would indeed happen and it was emphasized in Psalm 118:

“The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
23the Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes.
24The Lord has done it this very day;
let us rejoice today and be glad.”

Yes, Jesus has been rejected by many in this world and will continue to do so. Many false prophets have come before and after Jesus, claiming to be the key to salvation. Yet, Jesus approaches this with a deep understanding and love that we can learn from. Each individual person, a beautiful creation of God, is important and wonderful. We are all unique and special in the eyes of God. There are those who have embraced Christ as the Savior while there are others who continue down a different path; exploring their faith and questioning everything that comes before them. Everyone is on their own separate Journey of faith and will face unique obstacles and challenges which will define their relationship with God. Just because someone might find themselves further down the road to salvation than someone else doesn’t mean that God loves them more. We are all equal and special in the Eyes of God.
Jesus is not only the Shephard to those who have recognized him but he is the Shephard to all, for we are all children of God. Jesus acknowleged there are those who are not following him yet he has still claimed them as his own. For it is through him and in him that all things were created. He suffered and died so that all may retain eternal life. This is not something that any of us have earned but it was given to everyone freely and equally. There will be those who accept him quickly and there will be those who will only realize who this Jesus Christ is when he is revealed to them completely upon their death. Then there will be those who reject him completely. It is not for us or anyone else to decide who is worthy or unworthy of the Gift of Salvation.
The most we can all do is be comforted with the knowledge that we have an advocate such as Jesus and through his presence in the world salvation permeates throughout creation. It is through this knowledge that we can all experience his love and bring it to fruitation.

Deacon Tom

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