Sunday, December 6, 2015

In the Scripture reading today Paul gives us hope and encouragement that the one who began the good work in us will continue to complete it. When did this good work begin? Is there a specific time that can be marked as to when we started to be transformed by Jesus Christ? We can all probably recall specific times and specific instances where we were touched by God, but is there one specific moment of alteration that we can pinpoint? Depending on where we are in our lives, this moment of enlightenment can and will change, so we must look beyond influential events and go back further to the arguably the most important event in our existence: our birth. This was when God gave us life; an act of pure, unselfish love that can never be duplicated. This was where God’s work in us began. We were introduced into His creation; sent forth to enjoy our life through Him and in Him. Our Salvation Story began there at that precious moment.

After being introduced into the world, we are then called forth to experience this life in union with Him. This becomes the difficult part because of our own will which we tend to exercise above His. Temptations and sin tend to cloud our judgment, preventing us to experience the perfection which is God. This happens to everyone, starting early on when we start to develop our own reason and make decisions for ourselves. A selfishness develops, influenced by all that is evil in this world which we are attracted to. So, the good work that was started becomes defective not because of God but because of the lack of an awareness of God. Just like a child looks up to its father and mother throughout their lives; wanting in many ways, consciously and subconsciously to be like them, we wanted to become like God. We ignored Him and tried to seize control of everything. We made decisions without His input or guidance. Yet, He still loved us and called to us. He wanted to and still wants to guide us back to a perfect unison with Him.

This is why the Son is revealed to us. Jesus Christ is presented as the pathway to salvation and God’s Love. The Word made flesh entered the world for us: to bring us back to Him. Through the Holy Spirit we experience God’s Love and Jesus stands ready to welcome us back into perfection with God. It is the most selfless, beautiful act where our creator, our God, has given us everything that is so undeserved and unearned. That is what a father does: he gives everything for his children. Whatever mistakes we have made, whatever missteps we have brought about through our selfish deeds, they are forgiven and we are afforded the opportunity to reestablish our relationship with Him. The only thing we need to do is acknowledge our sins, ask for forgiveness, and change our ways. It is a transformative experience and one that can lift us up to new heights of greatness with God through Jesus Christ.

During this Advent Season, we now focus on Hope, for we are creatures of hope. We hope that Jesus Christ will come again soon. We hope for a better life through Jesus Christ, We hope to experience God’s love continuously. This is all linked to faith and what we believe. We are asked to live what we believe and this is through walking with Jesus our Savior. The light of Christ shines within all of us. We need to recognize this and embrace it. Hope dismisses the past and focuses on that which is now and that which is to come. That which is to come can be transformed through our relationship with Jesus Christ today.

Deacon Tom

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