Sunday, May 24, 2015

Suggested Reading: 1 Corinthians Chapter 12

  Our faith and relationship with Jesus Christ can be very personable. There will be things that we will share with Jesus that won’t be shared with anyone else. It can be the most intimate relationship we will ever have and through it our lives can be transformed. Our experiences will take on new meanings when we put them in the perspective of Jesus Christ; walking with him while acknowledging his presence. But when we all go forward in this journey of life, all walking with Jesus and towards that ultimate goal of salvation a community is naturally created. The community starts first with family and friends then quickly goes beyond to entail places of worship, work, and play. From there it reaches out to the world and the universe as we all are bonded together by that one factor that makes us equal and the same: we are all Children of God and make up the Living Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is through this relationship that we are able to relate with everyone regardless of their background, upbringing, or cultural differences. The commonality of our birthright and acknowledging God is enough to overcome these obstacles. It is a higher awareness and purpose which can drive all of us. The presence of Jesus Christ is enough to break down any barrier which has been raised through our humanness and for selfish purposes. We are united; it is only Satan that divides us.

Division is a negative word. It indicates that there is a separation because of differences which cannot be overcome. When there is a division, the differences are what is emphasized and not a common factor which would represent unity. It is the difference which becomes the defining characteristic. Jesus Christ does not want us to be defined by differences. We are all his children and through him we receive salvation. He does not love people differently because of these so-called divisions. He does not pick and choose based on these lines of separation which we draw. He loves us all. Jesus spoke about how a house divided could not stand. We should all take his words to heart and understand that fighting within a family causes unrest and enmity which are the tools of Satan; not God. If one is sowing discord, it is never for the purpose of God or for His kingdom even if that person says so.

Our Christian Experience and life should be one of love, coexistence, and harmony brought on by the things that we cherish the most; that which we were given by God and never deserved in the first place. Everything good in our lives comes forth from The Creator and is given to us freely because of His great love for us. To experience the goodness we must first understand that he is the beginning of everything and that we must come forward to love him. Through this mutual love our most precious gifts and talents will then be recognized. Understanding that we are all unique and it is our individuality that gives testament to God’s great love for us will bring us closer to him so that we may then use our gifts in communion together to glorify him all the more. This will bring about a glimpse of what the fullness of love from god can feel like.

Together. That is the key word. Even though all of our relationships with god are different and special, all should come together as one to express ourselves and express the perfect love which is God.

Deacon Tom

Lectura sugerida: 1 Corintios capítulo 12

  Nuestra fe y relación con Jesucristo puede ser muy agradable. Habrá cosas que vamos a compartir con Jesús que no será compartida con ninguna otra persona. Puede ser la relación más íntima que jamás tendremos ya través de ella nuestras vidas puede ser transformada. Nuestras experiencias se enfrentará a nuevos significados cuando los ponemos en la perspectiva de Jesucristo; caminando con él al tiempo que reconoce su presencia. Pero cuando todos vamos hacia adelante en este camino de la vida, todo caminando con Jesús y hacia ese objetivo final de la salvación se crea de forma natural una comunidad. La comunidad empieza primero con familiares y amigos y rápidamente va más allá de implicar lugares de culto, el trabajo y el juego. Desde allí se llega al mundo y al universo como todos están unidos entre sí por que uno de los factores que nos hace iguales y lo mismo: todos somos hijos de Dios y hacemos el Cuerpo Vivo de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo.

Es a través de esta relación que somos capaces de relacionarse con todo el mundo independientemente de su origen, la educación, o las diferencias culturales. La comunidad de nuestro derecho de nacimiento y el reconocimiento de Dios es suficiente para superar estos obstáculos. Se trata de una más alta conciencia y propósito que puede conducir a todos nosotros. La presencia de Jesucristo es suficiente para romper cualquier barrera que se ha planteado a través de nuestra humanidad y para fines egoístas. Estamos unidos; sólo es Satanás que nos divide.

La división es una palabra negativa. Esto indica que hay una separación debido a las diferencias que no se pueden superar. Cuando hay una división, las diferencias son lo que se destacó y no un factor común que representaría la unidad. Es la diferencia que se convierte en la característica definitoria. Jesucristo no quiere ser definido por las diferencias. Todos somos sus hijos y por medio de él recibimos la salvación. Él no ama a las personas de manera diferente debido a estos llamados divisiones. El no escoger basa en estas líneas de separación que sacamos. Él nos ama a todos. Jesús habló acerca de cómo una casa dividida no podía soportar. Todos debemos tomar sus palabras en serio y comprender que la lucha dentro de una familia provoca malestar y la enemistad que son las herramientas de Satanás; no a Dios. Si uno está sembrando la discordia, nunca es el propósito de Dios para su reino o incluso si esa persona lo dice.

Nuestra experiencia y la vida cristiana debe ser una de amor, la convivencia y la armonía provocado por las cosas que más apreciamos; lo que nos dieron por Dios y nunca merecimos en el primer lugar. Todo lo bueno en nuestras vidas sale de El Creador y nos es dada libremente a causa de su gran amor por nosotros. Para experimentar la bondad debemos primero entender que él es el principio de todo y que hay que presentar para amarlo. A través de este amor mutuo entonces serán reconocidos nuestros más preciosos dones y talentos. Entendiendo que todos somos únicos y es nuestra individualidad que da testimonio de gran amor de Dios por nosotros nos acercará a él para que luego podemos usar nuestros dones en comunión junto a glorificar lo tanto más. Con ello se conseguirá una idea de lo que la plenitud del amor de Dios puede sentirse como.

Juntos. Esa es la palabra clave. A pesar de todas nuestras relaciones con Dios son diferentes y especiales, todos deben venir juntos como uno de expresarnos y expresar el amor perfecto que es Dios.

Diácono Tom

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Suggested Reading: Mark 15: 16-20

 “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.”  Being a part of the Christian Community and recognizing Jesus Christ as our savior must be a central part of our lives. It should not be put in the background but instead should be an important part of our identity. It should serve as a defining characteristic of our actions and way of life. We have to be careful to avoid our Christian Identity from being put in the background to serve as a cultural dynamic and nothing more. Too often society and the demands of everyday life belittle the Christian Experience and divert attention from it; thus reducing its overall influence.

Jesus Christ described the effects of Sanctifying Grace and the receiving of baptism. There is a definite reaction spiritually, mentally, and physically to its presence. When someone comes forward to receive baptism, it is a transforming moment. It is in that moment the person becomes a member of the Church, is claimed by Christ, and their birthright as a Child of God is realized. The Sanctifying Grace necessary for Salvation is also bestowed on that person and they are offered a special protection from the evils and temptations of the world.

Witnessing someone as an adult receiving baptism is a wondrous blessing. The Holy Spirit is present in a very special way. There are tears of joy throughout the community and a spiritual energy that is hard to describe. It is through this presence that miracles abound. The description afforded to the Gospel of Mark cannot be understated. It is too easy to read the words and not understand the significance. We have all been commissioned to proclaim the Gospels, live our lives with Jesus Christ, and experience a transformative existence. We need to let our birthright have an impact on everything that we say and everything that we do. This was the intention of Jesus.

Yes, Sanctifying Grace and a life with Jesus will insure salvation. Beyond that, it is necessary to let this knowledge bring us happiness and success in this life. We cannot ignore this life while focusing solely on the next. If we do this, we miss God’s beautiful creation that is all around us and which we are an intricate part of. This is the key to happiness and the experience of feeling God’s Love. When we put Him back into His creation we can then understand more fully this world, our purpose, and this life. This life is indeed beautiful. It only takes on a darker form when God is ignored and our own free will is acted upon without considering God. Nothing, absolutely nothing can go wrong when God is taken fully into account and we surrender to Him. When that happens, beautiful things happen in a natural progression and we are able to feel it every day. Once we experience it, we will thirst for more and for a more perfect life with God.

Paul describes in his Letter to the Ephesians the riches, inheritance, wisdom, and power that awaits all who believe. We can all be partakers in this destiny if we only let the Holy Spirit do its work in our lives. We must let God love us and experience that love if we are to be happy. That is all God wants for us: to be happy and to love Him.

Deacon Tom

Lectura sugerida: Marcos 15: 16-20

 "El que creyere y fuere bautizado, será salvo." Ser parte de la comunidad cristiana y reconociendo a Jesucristo como nuestro salvador debe ser una parte fundamental de nuestras vidas. No se debe poner en el fondo sino que debe ser una parte importante de nuestra identidad. Debe servir como una característica definitoria de nuestras acciones y forma de vida. Tenemos que tener cuidado de evitar nuestra identidad cristiana de ser puesto en segundo plano para servir como una dinámica cultural y nada más. Con demasiada frecuencia, la sociedad y las exigencias de la vida cotidiana menospreciar la experiencia cristiana y desvían la atención de ella; reduciendo así su influencia global.

Jesucristo describe los efectos de la gracia santificante y la recepción del bautismo. Hay una reacción definida espiritual, mental y físicamente a su presencia. Cuando alguien viene hacia adelante para recibir el bautismo, es un momento de transformación. Es en ese momento la persona se convierte en un miembro de la Iglesia, es reclamado por Cristo, y su derecho de nacimiento como un hijo de Dios se realiza. La gracia santificante es necesario para la salvación también se otorga a esa persona y se les ofreció una protección especial de los males y las tentaciones del mundo.

Ser testigo de alguien como un bautismo de adultos que recibe es una bendición maravillosa. El Espíritu Santo está presente de una manera muy especial. Hay lágrimas de alegría en toda la comunidad y una energía espiritual que es difícil de describir. Es a través de esta presencia que los milagros abundan. La descripción que ofrece el Evangelio de Marcos no puede ser subestimada. Es demasiado fácil de leer las palabras y no entender el significado. A todos nos ha comisionado a proclamar el Evangelio, vivir nuestra vida con Jesucristo, y experimentar una existencia transformadora. Tenemos que dejar que nuestro derecho de nacimiento tiene un impacto en todo lo que decimos y todo lo que hacemos. Esta fue la intención de Jesús.

Sí, la gracia santificante y una vida con Jesús asegurará la salvación. Más allá de eso, hay que dejar que este conocimiento nos da la felicidad y el éxito en esta vida. No podemos ignorar esta vida mientras que se centra exclusivamente en la siguiente. Si hacemos esto, perdemos hermosa creación de Dios que está a nuestro alrededor y que somos una parte intrincada de. Esta es la clave de la felicidad y de la experiencia de sentir el amor de Dios. Cuando lo ponemos de nuevo en Su creación podemos entonces entender mejor este mundo, nuestro propósito, y esta vida. Esta vida es muy bonito. Sólo se necesita una forma más oscura cuando Dios es ignorado y nuestra propia voluntad se actúa sin tener en cuenta a Dios. Nada, absolutamente nada puede salir mal cuando Dios se tenga plenamente en cuenta y nos rendimos a Él. Cuando eso sucede, las cosas hermosas suceden en una progresión natural y que son capaces de sentir todos los días. Una vez que lo experimentamos, vamos a tener sed de más y de una vida más perfecta con Dios.

Pablo describe en su carta a los Efesios la riqueza, de herencia, de la sabiduría, y el poder que le espera a todos los que creen. Todos podemos ser partícipes en este destino si sólo dejamos que el Espíritu Santo haga su obra en nuestras vidas. Debemos dejar que Dios nos ama y la experiencia que el amor si queremos ser felices. Eso es todo lo que Dios quiere para nosotros: que seamos felices y que lo amamos.

Diácono Tom

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Suggested Reading: JOHN 15: 9-17

“Love one another as I love you.” Pure and simple, this is the foundation of our faith. Jesus gave this commandment to his disciples and to us to follow. Whatever is to be done, however we approach our faith it must be done with love. God is Love.  He is the First Love where all creation came from. We were created out of love and the purpose of loving. A Christian Life without love is dead and useless.
The opposite of love is hatred. God did not create hatred. We did. It goes against our very purpose when we act on hatred. Hatred causes pain and suffering. It is an emotion that by its very definition lacks control and purpose. At its root is pride which is the gateway to all other sin. Hate is against nature and is against God. To fully embrace our faith hate must be eliminated from all aspect of our lives. Hate is a destructive force while love is a constructive one. God does not want to destroy. He only wants to build up.

Jesus made it perfectly clear through his actions that love was at the center of his ministry. Jesus’ actions were dictated by this premise. Even when he chastised his disciples love was at the center. In the gospel reading today he referred to his disciples as his friends. This displayed a very intimate and personal relationship. The master/slave relationship was eliminated in favor of love. It was the final piece of the puzzle which brought everything together. In the same manner, our lives and relationship with him cannot be complete unless the glue, which is love, binds our whole Christian Experience together. We must all be bonded together with love.

Life can be complicated with so many relationships and interactions to consider. We are presented with so many choices on a daily basis. Any bad choice can lead to dire consequences which we could have never predicted. This is a great challenge to all of us as we struggle against temptation and our will over that of God’s intentions. We need to overcome the anger of Cain so that we can experience the love and innocence of Abel. Abel’s actions were done out of selflessness and love while at the center of Cain’s was jealousy and hatred.

We are all wounded. A life with God enables the healing to begin. Even though our arrogance teaches us that we are the physicians of our soul this is not true. Opening up and being receptive to the Sacred Scriptures and the love of God can let his healing balm do its work. We can feel his work every day if we only permit him to enter. If we do not like where we are going or what we are doing, we only have to turn to God and cry out for his assistance like a wounded soldier on the battlefield of life. We never have to be alone and we never have to suffer. There is no pain and torment that cannot be endured with love.

Deacon Tom