Thursday, October 1, 2015

Suggested Reading: NUMBERS 11:25-29

                                   MK 9: 38-48

 Jesus Christ is constantly at work in all of us. He is forming us and shaping into a new creation whose existence is influenced by his presence. This is done because of his great love for all of us, his children. This is not an earned experience but one that is offered simply because we are all his children. When God created the universe, he was also responsible for every living thing within creation. Every person, every form of life comes from God. This might seem obvious yet there are those who will quickly try to designate who belongs to God and who does not belong to God. Divisions are formed within the world community as groups of individuals struggle to claim some sort of special position or authority based on their perceived relationship with God while so much energy is spent dismissing others whom they deem unworthy of being in the same state. What comes forth is the impression of a large dysfunctional family that is constantly in turmoil and at war with itself.

This was not God’s intention and what is occurring is directly against the teachings of Jesus Christ. Being with God and accepting Jesus Christ as our savior does not entitle us to ant special privilege in relation to others who are embarking on their own journey of faith. God does not want us to compare and contrast the condition of other people based on our perceptions in comparison to where we are in our own lives. We are all equal in the eyes of God and he loves us all the same. It was through his great love for us that we are here and able to live the Creation Experience. We should consider ourselves fortunate that we have felt the presence of God’s love, accepted Jesus as Our Savior, and should pray for those who have not yet fully realized their birthright. These prayers should be ones of love and compassion instead of anger or judgment. Judgment is the sole responsibility of God. We are not Gods. We are His children.

The ability of humanity to distort the Word of God is fascinating. Instead of celebrating God’s Love we are more apt to use it as a weapon and actually divide something that should easily encompass everyone and everything; bringing all creation closer together and one with its creator. Experiencing God’s Love should be a celebration and a reflection of who he is in relation to us. We should be Christ-like in the work we do and in the relationships we foster while enjoying our existence. We cannot reject or condemn. We cannot raise ourselves up while diminishing those around us.

We must all use our Christ Experience to influence all those we interact with to bring them closer to Christ and expose them to The Light of Christ which shines in all of us. To become closer to God we must empty ourselves of every prejudice and preconceived notion, letting our inner innocence that of a child’s, shine through. It is then that we share ourselves in this loving, helpless state as an example to those around us. We become innocent and transform our brothers and sisters into that same state. Then, together, we experience Jesus Christ.

Christ is never found in anger, judgment, and jealousy. He is there in the perfection of love.


Deacon Tom


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