Sunday, January 24, 2016


As we continue with our Journey of Faith and explore our relationship with Jesus Christ it is unavoidable that we will experience a fundamental change in the way we act, think, and live our lives. Living with Jesus Christ and striving to understand our relationship with Him is a transformative experience and one that will not leave us the same. Every day brings about new experiences and new revelations. When we live our lives with Christ and through Jesus Christ it is impossible for us to remain the same. Everything becomes different from the way we witness God’s wonderful creation around us to the way we interact with people.

This change that we go through will be witnessed by everyone we come into contact with. There will be those who welcome this change and celebrate it while there will be those who will refuse to accept it. We as Christians will be insulted and judged ruthlessly throughout our lives. Some of the most important people we have known as friends will reject us. This rejection centers around a rejection of Christ and not necessarily one of ourselves. When we accepted Jesus Christ into our lives we surrendered everything over to him. His light shines through us into the world. There are those who are not ready to embrace this light and thus shy away from it out of fear. The Light of Christ has the power to expose everything that is wrong with the universe, including what is wrong with God’s Children, showing them their own wounds caused by sin. This can cause embarrassment and shame; even anger when one struggles with something they are not ready to let go of. The easiest way to deal with this is to ignore the exposure of one’s shortcomings and focus on the bearer of the light, the vehicle from which it comes forth from, with the intent on making it go away or to bring about its destruction.

When Jesus Christ returned to Nazareth, he was rejected by the people there. They could not accept that Jesus, the son of Joseph, was proclaiming to be the messiah. He was driven out of the town and he was almost killed. Through these events, we are shown that we should expect the same treatment from many of those who are closest to us. In reaction to this, we must pray for them and love them the same. Also, we must walk away from them. Each person has the free will either to accept Jesus Christ or reject Him. Rejecting Christ means an acceptance of everything he does not represent: evil, sin, and utter destruction. Embracing Jesus brings about an acceptance and eventual understanding of everything that is good and perfect. We no longer live for ourselves but for God. The chains of materialism are broken and we become free.

There is no revolution here. There is no need to fight for what we believe. The battle is already won. It is more of a convincing that victory belongs to Christ. Disillusionment and acceptance of the material aspects of the world seduces one into believing that fulfillment dwells in the partaking of that which will soon faded away. Anything from this world and society is not forever.   We are already victorious. We just need to focus on the responsibility that comes with such a tremendous victory. One of the most difficult things in a war is not the fighting but the clean-up that come afterwards. There are many victims in this conflict of light and darkness; they are scattered throughout eternity.

As Christian, we need to focus on healing and loving. This will set us apart in the world. We are the bearers of God’s Love. From us, it is supposed to pour forth like a fountain. From God’s Spirit, which is His love,  all of our talents and capabilities will be revealed through the Spirit and by the Spirit. Then all will know that were Christian and victorious.

Deacon Tom

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