Monday, December 13, 2010

Third Week of Advent

My Brothers in Christ,

The Third Week of Advent is upon us. My experiences this season have been very fulfilling and have also left me with the realization that there is a lot of suffering out there. The economy hasn’t been the best and there many who are doing their best just to get by. With that, work- loads increase and people find themselves doing more for less. It is an unfair situation and , in the end, our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is what is needed to carry us through. This month will find our council discussing our path forward into the new year. We have had many successes and milestones in the first six months of the fraternal year which I would define as exemplary. Together as Brothers in Christ we have that capability of moving mountains and making a difference in the world today.

In under two weeks, we will be celebrating Christmas with our families. Please remember to keep Jesus close to your hearts and all that are in need in your prayers. Never forget our fraternity and the good work that we do.

Yours in Christ,

Deacon Tom

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