Sunday, July 26, 2015


In the Gospel reading today we read about Jesus feeding the 5000 men from 5 loaves of bread and two fish. It is through Jesus that we receive everything that we need to sustain ourselves in our lives. Not only does he feed us spiritually but we also can be provided for in the material sense if we just trust in him; surrendering everything over to him. We tend to put limits on what Jesus actually can do; that is why many of the things that he did were seen as miracles. They were beyond the laws of nature and the accepted limits  of a human being. With what we know now, we should understand that none of these things are beyond the capabilities of what he can do. So, if that is true, why do we still put limits on him?

As a child has complete trust in its mother so must we learn to develop that same trust in God. This is a very important part of our faith experience. A complete surrendering to God must be necessary if we are to be truly happy in our lives. This becomes a learning experience. We have a natural distrust of other people and like to have some sort of control when it comes to decisions and the direction of our life. It can be said that those who struggle to do this without the influence of God are not truly happy and are missing something. That something is the development of the most important relationship they could ever have.

Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow and to surrender everything to him. He will make sure that we are safe and secure. This is totally opposite to what we have learned most of our adult lives. We were told that if we work hard we are rewarded. If we work harder we can get more. Constantly we strive to earn more money thinking that it will lead to some sort of ultimate happiness. In the end it is impossible to do so because money and earthly riches have a severe limit: it doesn’t last forever. Our existence on this earth doesn’t last forever. We are here for a limited time in the physical sense and must understand that our happiness is linked forever with a proper and fruitful relationship with God. He is our Father and our Creator. We cannot limit him to a secondary role in our lives and try to do everything ourselves.

God will give us everything. All we have to do is ask. He has the capability to take care of us; to nurture us and protect us. He wants to love us beyond the way we have experienced love before. Through Jesus we have been given the opportunity to make ourselves complete yet we struggle with taking the bread and fish. We do not want to believe that all we have to do is ask and it will be given to us. We never thought and maybe still don’t think it is that simple. But it is that simple. We will be taken care of. We will be loved. We will be sheltered, comforted, and fed. He will never abandon us. He provided us with the answers. We just cannot be afraid to ask the questions.

Deacon Tom


Lectura recomendada: Juan 6: 1-15

En la lectura del Evangelio de hoy leemos acerca de Jesús alimentando a los 5.000 hombres de 5 panes y dos peces. Es a través de Jesús que recibimos todo lo que necesitamos para mantener a nosotros mismos en nuestras vidas. No sólo él nos alimentan espiritualmente pero también se puede proporcionar en el sentido material si sólo confiamos en él; entregarlo todo a él. Tendemos a poner límites a lo que realmente puede hacer a Jesús; es por eso que muchas de las cosas que él no se ve como milagros. Fueron más allá de las leyes de la naturaleza y los límites aceptados de un ser humano. Con lo que sabemos ahora, debemos entender que ninguna de estas cosas están más allá de las capacidades de lo que puede hacer. Así que, si eso es verdad, ¿por qué todavía ponemos límites en él?

Como un niño tiene completa confianza en su madre lo debemos aprender a desarrollar esa misma confianza en Dios. Esta es una parte muy importante de nuestra experiencia de fe. Una rendición completa a Dios debe ser necesaria si queremos ser verdaderamente felices en nuestras vidas. Esto se convierte en una experiencia de aprendizaje. Tenemos una desconfianza natural de otras personas y les gusta tener algún tipo de control cuando se trata de decisiones y la dirección de nuestra vida. Se puede decir que los que luchan para hacer esto sin la influencia de Dios no son verdaderamente felices y están perdiendo algo. Ese algo es el desarrollo de la relación más importante que jamás podrían tener.

Jesús nos dice que no se preocupen por el mañana y entregar todo para él. Él se asegurará de que estamos a salvo y seguro. Esto es totalmente contrario a lo que hemos aprendido la mayor parte de nuestra vida adulta. Nos dijeron que si trabajamos duro somos recompensados. Si trabajamos más duro que podemos conseguir más. Constantemente nos esforzamos por ganar más dinero pensando que va a dar lugar a algún tipo de felicidad última. Al final, es imposible hacerlo porque el dinero y las riquezas terrenales tienen un límite severo: no dura para siempre. Nuestra existencia en esta tierra no dura para siempre. Estamos aquí por un tiempo limitado en el sentido físico y debemos entender que nuestra felicidad está vinculado para siempre con una relación adecuada y fructífera relación con Dios. Él es nuestro Padre y nuestro Creador. No podemos limitarnos a un papel secundario en nuestras vidas y tratar de hacerlo todo nosotros mismos.

Dios nos dará todo. Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es preguntar. Él tiene la capacidad para cuidar de nosotros; para nutrir y proteger a nosotros. Él quiere amarnos más allá de la forma en que hemos experimentado el amor antes. A través de Jesús se nos ha dado la oportunidad de hacernos completa todavía luchamos con tomar el pan y el pescado. No queremos creer que todo lo que tenemos que hacer es pedir y se os dará a nosotros. Nunca pensamos y tal vez todavía no pensamos que es así de simple. Pero es así de simple. Estaremos atendidos. Estaremos encantó. Estaremos protegido, consolados y alimentados. Él nunca nos abandonará. Él nos dio las respuestas. No podemos tener miedo de hacer las preguntas.

Diácono Tom

Sunday, July 12, 2015

 Jesus sent his disciples out by two, giving them power over unclean spirits and the ability to perform miracles. Their mission was to evangelize the faith and spread the Good News of the Gospels. Much the same way we are all Commissioned by Christ to preach the Word of God through our actions, conduct, and through the distribution of knowledge that we posses being Children of God. No one is exempt from this. There are those of us who may feel that they are unworthy or do not possess the skills in order to accomplish the task but this is more of an act of Satan adding doubt and unworthiness in order to deter us from the Path of Salvation. The truth is that we are all possessors of the Light of Christ and the Holy Spirit dwells within us. Because the Holy Spirit is an intricate part of our bodies and we are all God’s creation we have the capability to do the most amazing things if only we get out of our own way. All of us can make a difference and all of us are an important part of the entire universe. We just need to step forward and start living our lives with God.

From the moment we were conceived in our mother’s womb, from the moment we achieved consciousness; we not only entered this world but were sent out in it. Our companion was Christ. He has always walked with us and continues to do so. We may not have been aware of this all of the time but that doesn’t mean that it is not true. The relationship must be two-fold. Christ cannot do all of the work if we are to experience him. It is the same as it is in all relationships. In order for it to get stronger we must work on it, study it, and above all enjoy it. When we are called by Christ, we must respond. When we feel the joy of him being with us, we must grasp onto it desperately and try not to let it go. There have been so many other things that have diverted us from Christ yet we have clung to these things which, for the most part, had negative implications to us and our happiness. So, if that is the case, why do we still do these things even though the result in our lives is always negative? Why do we still do these things if they ultimately make us unhappy? To truly experience Jesus Christ fully these questions have to be continually asked and we have to provide some sort of answer each time we contemplate them. Through this exercise we will become closer to Christ and understand how his love for us can affect everything in a positive way.

In Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians he speaks about being “sealed with the promise of the holy Spirit.” We have also been sealed with this same promise through the Sacrament of Confirmation. Through this Sacrament we received the Holy Chrism upon our forehead to further our journey with Christ. We are Soldiers of Christ and are encouraged to go forth into the world as exemplars of our faith. What was put on our foreheads is a reflection of what is in our hearts. Just as Jesus is the sum of all things that came before and will be afterwards, we too are representative of this. We need to go forth and do as Jesus did and teach what Jesus taught. Through this we learn more about ourselves and ultimately the Love of God.

Deacon Tom

Jesús envió a sus discípulos a cabo en dos, dándoles poder sobre los espíritus inmundos y la capacidad de realizar milagros. Su misión era evangelizar a la fe y difundir la Buena Nueva del Evangelio. Gran parte de la misma manera que todos estamos encargados por Cristo para predicar la Palabra de Dios a través de nuestras acciones, conducta, y por medio de la distribución del conocimiento que poseemos ser hijos de Dios. Nadie está exento de esto. Hay quienes pueden sentir que son indignos o no poseen las habilidades con el fin de cumplir con la tarea, pero esto es más de un acto de Satanás añadiendo dudas e indignidad con el fin de disuadir a nosotros desde el camino de la salvación. La verdad es que todos somos poseedores de la Luz de Cristo y el Espíritu Santo habita en nosotros. Debido a que el Espíritu Santo es una parte intrínseca de nuestro cuerpo y somos toda la creación de Dios, tenemos la capacidad de hacer las cosas más asombrosas aunque sólo vamos a salir de nuestro propio camino. Todos nosotros podemos hacer la diferencia y todos nosotros somos una parte importante de todo el universo. Sólo tenemos que dar un paso adelante y empezar a vivir nuestra vida con Dios.

Desde el momento en que fuimos concebidos en el vientre de nuestra madre, desde el momento en que logramos la conciencia; no sólo entramos en este mundo, pero nos mandaron a cabo en ella. Nuestro compañero era Cristo. Él siempre ha caminado con nosotros y lo sigue haciendo. Puede que no hayamos sido conscientes de ello todo el tiempo, pero eso no quiere decir que no es cierto. La relación debe ser doble. Cristo no puede hacer todo el trabajo si vamos a experimentarlo. Es el mismo como lo es en todas las relaciones. En el fin de que se hacen más fuertes, debemos trabajar en ella, estudiarla, y sobre todo disfrutar de ella. Cuando somos llamados por Cristo, debemos responder. Cuando sentimos la alegría de estar con nosotros, hay que aferrarse desesperadamente y tratar de no dejarlo ir. Ha habido tantas otras cosas que nos han desviado de Cristo todavía nos han aferrado a estas cosas que, en su mayor parte, tuvieron consecuencias negativas para nosotros y nuestra felicidad. Por lo tanto, si ese es el caso, ¿por qué seguimos hacemos estas cosas a pesar de que el resultado en nuestras vidas es siempre negativa? ¿Por qué seguimos hacemos estas cosas, si en última instancia, nos hacen infeliz? Para experimentar verdaderamente Jesucristo estas preguntas plenamente que ser preguntado continuamente y tenemos que dar algún tipo de respuesta cada vez que los contemplamos. A través de este ejercicio vamos a estar más cerca de Cristo y entender cómo su amor por nosotros puede afectar todo de una manera positiva.

En la carta de Pablo a los Efesios que habla acerca de ser "sellado con la promesa del Espíritu Santo." También se nos ha sellado con esta misma promesa a través del Sacramento de la Confirmación. A través de este sacramento que recibimos el Santo Crisma en la frente para continuar nuestro camino con Cristo. Somos soldados de Cristo y anima a salir al mundo como ejemplos de nuestra fe. Lo que se puso en la frente es un reflejo de lo que está en nuestros corazones. Así como Jesús es la suma de todas las cosas que vinieron antes y será después, nosotros también somos representante de esta. Tenemos que ir adelante y hacerlo como lo hizo Jesús y enseñar lo que Jesús enseñó. A través de esto aprendemos más sobre nosotros mismos y en última instancia el Amor de Dios.

Diácono Tom

Sunday, July 5, 2015

As this nation celebrates its independence on this Fourth of July it is good to take the expressions of pride, unity, and strength and apply it to our Christian Faith. We must remember that it was Jesus Christ who founded the Universal Church which not only encompasses the world but also the universe; all of God’s Creation. Christ is the leader and ultimate guide of the Church which all members of the human race are a part of. No one is excluded from the Church regardless if they refuse to acknowledge Jesus for who he is or if they profess to follow something else other than the Christian Message. The moment that we were conceived in our mother’s womb we belonged to God because he created us. He gave us the gift of life because he loves us so much and we are his children. Because we are God’s Children we have a birthright. It is one that we have a choice to accept or not to accept but one that is there nonetheless.

When we were created, we began a most glorious journey. It is a journey of discovery and experience that shapes us and molds us every moment of our existence. This journey is filled with revelations about God and about ourselves. Jesus Christ serves as a guide who is present even if someone chooses not to acknowledge him. Just because he might be ignored doesn’t mean he is not there and doesn’t have any influence in one’s life. I feel that all of us can remember times when we have ignored God or chose not to experience him in our lives. It can be argued that this is a natural occurrence at one point or another because of our free will. No one is above ignoring God and not listening to him. Everyone posses and exercises this arrogance at one time or another. That is why it is important to approach each person with love, respect, and understanding.

It is very easy to condemn other people. It takes the spotlight off of us and our own failings. Condemnation comes in the form of judging others which Jesus told us specifically not to do. In the end there is only one judge and that is the Father. Paul tells us in his First Letter to the Corinthians,

All of us are fragile and cannot face judgment. It is impossible to succeed in this trial and be found worthy since none of us were ever worthy of the Gift of Salvation. It has been given to all of us freely and out of love. It is through experiences and revelation that we all come closer to Jesus Christ to open our hearts to him. It takes time, effort, and surrendering completely to Christ to finally accept him for who he truly is. Afterwards, we can then approach God more fully and lovingly. All of it is a process that started at that moment of conception and continues beyond of physical existence on this earth. It doesn’t end here. Here on this earth is only the beginning of our eternity.

God’s Divine Plan will never be fully understood until we are one with him. There will be moments of revelation and understanding but never a complete picture. The best we can do is experience what is given to us and discover that little of his greatness that is around us. Doing this together as his children removes the barriers of hatred, divisiveness, and exclusion which were erected by Satan. A house divided cannot stand. God did not create hate. We did. And whatever God did not create is imperfect from its inception.

Embrace what is perfect and we then will have the opportunity to become perfect. That perfection is the ultimate love that comes from God.

Deacon Tom