Sunday, November 29, 2015


Why be anxious? This is a very simple but profound question. It appears that this life is built upon anxiety. As soon as one problem is resolved another arises in its place. There is a never ending cycle of conflict and resolution. We all live fast-paced lifestyles that demand quick results and, when they are not forthcoming, frustration abounds.  This leads to anxiety. I feel we all can relate to this feeling: the tightening of the stomach, headaches, quick tempers, and intolerance for even the smallest of things. This occurs so often that it has become an accepted part of life. The danger that it actually presents is cloaked in this complacency. What is actually happening through these actions is the building of a wall: a wall between us and God. During the mass, after the Our Father is recited, the priest recites a particular prayer, asking God to relieve us from all anxiety. The presence of this prayer emphasizes how important it is to be unburdened from these feelings because they are so dangerous.
Try to recall the last time we felt anxious. It is fair to assume that the presence of God was far from our thoughts; our spirituality impeded. There was a disconnect that prevented us from being consoled by Him Our thoughts and our physical reaction to them actually pushed God away from us and that is a very dangerous place to be. Separating ourselves from God, for whatever reason, allows Satan to creep in and enriches the soil of our souls for sin to grow. We become disordered in our thoughts and feelings. We put ourselves in a dangerous place. We are isolated and vulnerable to attack. In this state, we further alienate ourselves by blaming God for this condition; enabling ourselves to become even angrier at our state of affairs.

 Jesus knows our weaknesses and cries for us, wanting to bring us comfort and love. Yet we struggle against this simple solution of letting go. We need to stop this battle and surrender completely. Know that Jesus is Lord and he does in fact have all the solutions. The power of prayer can overcome all of this negativity and bring our relationship with Him into a perfect state where we can actually see how simple the solutions really are. We created the circumstances of our misery in the first place. Jesus tells us there is no need to feel this way. Why dwell on the mere physical aspects of our existence and ignore that which is the eternal?  As we are told in the Gospel Reading today, we need to focus on Jesus Christ and our eternal existence with him. When we contemplate Jesus and ourselves in these terms, then the material anxieties which can easily become our main focus, are revealed as the minor things that they really are in comparison to Jesus who is everything.

Celebrating the First Sunday of Advent offers a perfect opportunity for us to realize just this. As the first candle is lit, we are asked to reflect on our relationship with Jesus and to repair the damage that we have done in our relationship through repentance: we are asked to confront our sins, ask for forgiveness, and make a commitment to strengthen our relationship with Him who offers us eternal salvation. We are encouraged to push our anxieties away to clear a path towards Jesus who is waiting for us with open arms. Instead of anxiety there should be joyful expectation about a life with Jesus Christ: a wonderful life rich in celebration and exultation. Smile because Jesus loves you and when you know that you are loved then you can spread that very same love throughout the world.
This world was created out of love and when we react to that love we can then accept everything that comes our way knowing that, in the end, Jesus would never allow that which may cause us anxiety to overcome us.

Deacon Tom

¿POR QUÉ estar ansioso?

¿Por quĂ© estar ansioso? Esta es una pregunta muy simple pero profunda. Parece ser que esta vida se construye sobre la ansiedad. Tan pronto como uno de los problemas se resuelve otro surge en su lugar. Hay un ciclo interminable de conflictos y resoluciĂłn. Todos vivimos estilos de vida acelerados que exigen resultados rápidos y, cuando no lo son prĂłximas, la frustraciĂłn abunda. Esto conduce a la ansiedad. Siento que todos pueden relacionarse con este sentimiento: el endurecimiento del estĂłmago, dolores de cabeza, los ánimos rápidos, y la intolerancia, incluso para el más pequeño de las cosas. Esto ocurre tan a menudo que se ha convertido en una parte aceptada de la vida. El peligro de que en realidad presenta está envuelto en esta complacencia. Lo que realmente está sucediendo a travĂ©s de estas acciones es la construcciĂłn de un muro: un muro entre nosotros y Dios. Durante la misa, despuĂ©s del Padre Nuestro se recita, el sacerdote recita una oraciĂłn en particular, pidiendo a Dios que nos exime de toda perturbaciĂłn. La presencia de esta oraciĂłn enfatiza lo importante que es estar sin la carga de estos sentimientos porque son muy peligrosos.

Trate de recordar la última vez que nos sentimos ansiosos. Es razonable suponer que la presencia de Dios estaba muy lejos de nuestros pensamientos; nuestra espiritualidad impedido. Hubo una desconexión que nos impidió ser consolado por Él Nuestros pensamientos y nuestra reacción física a ellos realmente empujaron a Dios lejos de nosotros y que es un lugar muy peligroso para estar. Separarnos de Dios, por la razón que sea, permite que Satanás se meten dentro y enriquece el suelo de nuestras almas por el pecado para crecer. Llegamos a ser desordenada en nuestros pensamientos y sentimientos. Nos ponemos en un lugar peligroso. Estamos aislados y vulnerables a los ataques. En este estado, nos alejamos más de nosotros mismos culpando a Dios por esta condición; permitiendo a nosotros mismos para ser aún más enojado en nuestro estado de cosas.

JesĂşs conoce nuestras debilidades y llora por nosotros, con ganas de traernos consuelo y amor. Sin embargo, luchamos en contra de esta soluciĂłn simple de dejar ir. Tenemos que poner fin a esta batalla y entregarse por completo. Saber que JesĂşs es el Señor, y Ă©l, de hecho, tiene todas las soluciones. El poder de la oraciĂłn puede superar todo esto negatividad y llevar nuestra relaciĂłn con Él en un estado perfecto donde realmente podemos ver cĂłmo las soluciones simples son en realidad. Hemos creado las circunstancias de nuestra miseria en el primer lugar. JesĂşs nos dice que no hay necesidad de sentirse de esta manera. ¿Por quĂ© detenerse en los meros aspectos fĂ­sicos de nuestra existencia e ignorar lo que es eterno? Como se nos dice en el Evangelio de hoy, tenemos que centrarnos en Jesucristo y nuestra existencia eterna con Ă©l. Cuando contemplamos a JesĂşs ya nosotros mismos en estos tĂ©rminos, entonces las ansiedades materiales que pueden convertirse fácilmente nuestro objetivo principal, se revelan como las pequeñas cosas que realmente son en comparaciĂłn con JesĂşs, que lo es todo.

Celebrando el Primer Domingo de Adviento ofrece una oportunidad perfecta para que nos damos cuenta de esto. A medida que se encendió la primera vela, se nos pide reflexionar sobre nuestra relación con Jesús y para reparar el daño que hemos hecho en nuestra relación a través del arrepentimiento: se nos pide que enfrentar nuestros pecados, pedir perdón, y hacer un compromiso para fortalecer nuestra relación con Aquel que nos ofrece la salvación eterna. Se nos anima a empujar nuestras ansiedades distancia para despejar el camino hacia Jesús, que nos espera con los brazos abiertos. En lugar de la ansiedad debe ser gozosa expectativa de una vida con Jesucristo: una vida maravillosa rica en celebración y júbilo. Sonríe porque Jesús te ama y cuando sabes que eres amado, entonces puede extenderse ese mismo amor en todo el mundo.

Este mundo fue creado por amor y cuando reaccionamos a ese amor nos puede entonces aceptar todo lo que se nos presente a sabiendas de que, al final, JesĂşs nunca permitirĂ­a que lo que nos puede causar ansiedad a vencernos.

Diácono Tom

Saturday, November 21, 2015

We gather here today to celebrate a most wonderful and glorious event. Coming forward as Christians; brothers and sisters through Our Lord Jesus Christ, we are invited to recognize Our Savior, Lord, and King for who he is: Jesus Christ the King of the Universe. We are called to give him homage. We are called to give him thanks. We are called to love him above all other things. When this happens, we are then open to receive his love and the healing power of our creator in return. The obstacles of sin and rejection are removed. We are healed and forgiven.

Our relationship with Jesus Christ should be simple. It is us who make it so complicated through our denial and focus on the materialistic things of life. We tend to gauge our successes and happiness based on what is acquired and how much we can stimulate our senses through the indulgences of the material; all the while ignoring the foundation of our being: the spiritual. We limit our capabilities by forming obstacles based on wants and needs to be fulfilled for the moment while ignoring the infinite nature of ourselves. This self of ours is to only be fully realized through a direct relationship with God through Jesus Christ. With the presence of the Holy Spirit, which is the Love of God, we become fully united with the Trinity and are ready to live the Christian Experience fully and collectively with God’s Creation. No longer do we remain separate through our own selfishness and disordered desires. We are complete.

Religion comes from the Latin word “relationship.” It is through the way we approach our faith and live our faith that we can more fully experience our lives with God. This relationship with God is the most important relationship in our lives. It is through it that we are capable of fostering all the other relationships we have. When we receive God’s Love we then naturally send it forth from ourselves selflessly and express it through our interactions with God’s Creation. It is not only the human relationships that it affects but also everything else we come in contact with from the smallest particle to the most grandiose mountain. It is all about being connected and knowing that we are connected.  The way we interact will dictate if we can experience the true joy of this life given to us by God.
The first step in all of this is realizing who Jesus Christ is. This cannot be done in a nonchalant manner. It is through him that we approach the Father and receive the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is indeed priest, prophet, and king. He is King of the Universe and must be given what is his: our full commitment and love. There can be no compromise in this area. It is through compromise that he is belittled and reduced. That is what Satan wants and this acts brings disorder and chaos; much like we have in society today; a society that has turned its back on God. To bring it back we must embrace Jesus and turn our lives over to him; surrendering to his will and not exercising ours towards sin and temptation.

Christ is King. We are his servants. At the same time, we are his children and will love us as such; lifting us out of that life of servitude and despair into our birthright as Children of God. But first, to recognize ourselves as Children of God, we must first recognize him as our One and Only King. The King of the Universe.

Deacon Tom

Nos reunimos hoy aquí para celebrar un evento más maravilloso y glorioso. Viniendo hacia adelante como cristianos; hermanos y hermanas a través de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, se nos invita a reconocer Nuestro Salvador, Señor y Rey por lo que es: Jesucristo, Rey del Universo. Estamos llamados a darle homenaje. Estamos llamados a darle gracias. Estamos llamados a amarlo sobre todas las cosas. Cuando esto sucede, entonces estamos abiertos a recibir su amor y el poder sanador de nuestro creador a cambio. Se eliminan los obstáculos del pecado y el rechazo. Somos sanados y perdonados.

Nuestra relaciĂłn con Jesucristo debe ser simple. Somos nosotros los que lo hacen tan complicado a travĂ©s de nuestra negaciĂłn y enfoque en las cosas materiales de la vida es. Tendemos a medir nuestros Ă©xitos y felicidad en base a lo que se adquiere y cuánto podemos estimular nuestros sentidos a travĂ©s de las indulgencias del material; a la vez que haciendo caso omiso de la fundaciĂłn de nuestro ser: la espiritual. Nos limitamos nuestras capacidades mediante la formaciĂłn de obstáculos basados ​​en deseos y necesidades a cumplirse por el momento sin tener en cuenta la naturaleza infinita de nosotros mismos. Este auto de los nuestros es que sĂłlo se dio cuenta plenamente a travĂ©s de una relaciĂłn directa con Dios por medio de Jesucristo. Con la presencia del EspĂ­ritu Santo, que es el amor de Dios, llegamos a ser plenamente unidos a la Trinidad y estamos dispuestos a vivir la experiencia cristiana plena y colectivamente con la creaciĂłn de Dios. Ya no hacemos permanecemos separados a travĂ©s de nuestro propio egoĂ­smo y deseos desordenados. Estamos completos.

Religión viene de la palabra latina "relación." Es a través de la forma en que nos acercamos a nuestra fe y vivimos nuestra fe en que podemos experimentar más plenamente nuestra vida con Dios. Esta relación con Dios es la relación más importante en nuestras vidas. Es a través de ella que somos capaces de fomentar todas las otras relaciones que tenemos. Cuando recibimos el amor de Dios que entonces, naturalmente, enviamos adelante de nosotros mismos desinteresadamente y expresamos a través de nuestras interacciones con la creación de Dios. Es no sólo las relaciones humanas que las que afecta, sino también todo lo demás que vienen en contacto con la de la partícula más pequeña de la montaña más grandiosa. Se trata de estar conectados y saber que estamos conectados. La forma en que interactuamos dictará si podemos experimentar la verdadera alegría de esta vida que nos ha dado Dios.

El primer paso en todo esto es darse cuenta de que es Jesucristo. Esto no se puede hacer de una manera indiferente. Es a través de él que nos acercamos al Padre y recibimos el Espíritu Santo. Jesucristo es ciertamente sacerdote, profeta y rey. Él es el Rey del Universo y se debe dar lo que es suyo: nuestro pleno compromiso y amor. No puede haber ningún compromiso en esta área. Es a través del compromiso que está menospreciado y reducido. Eso es lo que Satanás quiere y esto actúa trae desorden y el caos; tiene como tenemos en la sociedad actual; una sociedad que ha dado la espalda a Dios. Para traerlo de vuelta debemos abrazar a Jesús y dar la vida a él; rendirse a su voluntad y que no ejercen la nuestra hacia el pecado y la tentación.

Cristo es el Rey. Somos sus siervos. Al mismo tiempo, somos sus hijos y nos amará como tal; elevándonos de que la vida de servidumbre y la desesperación en nuestro derecho de nacimiento como hijos de Dios. Pero en primer lugar, a reconocernos como hijos de Dios, primero debemos reconocerlo como nuestro único Rey. El Rey del Universo.

Diácono Tom

Sunday, November 8, 2015



There is an inclination to judge people by their wealth, status, and power within society. Those with more influence are treated differently than others with less. People are constantly rated on a scale that is based on who is more important. Those who are looked upon as having a higher worth receive more in comparison to other people causing many to struggle and suffer unjustly. Through the eyes of God all of us are the same and we are encouraged to go against this social norm in favor of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus was critical of those who displayed their social status and raised themselves above other people. He pointed out that their reward had already been given to them; that reward having its roots in this world which created the system of favoritism in the first place. The rewards and adulations we seek should be from God himself and should be centered on our spirituality. Acknowledging God’s presence and building our lives on a foundation of faith and love will renter results and rewards in this life and the next.

The rewards that God offers have nothing to do with materialism and physical desires. These are things that serve as obstacles to true joy and love. God offers us a life with him and through him. This life merges together the physical, mental, and spiritual; making us a complete person. Without God and his influence we are broken; an incomplete picture that is fractured through our sins. God takes away that brokenness. We are repaired constantly through our relationship with him.

When we go through this process of repair and transformation something else happens in reaction to this. We feel good. We feel God. We want to share that experience and spread that goodness. It is enkindled within us and grows as our focus changes from selfishness to selflessness. We not only want to do good, we need to do good. We need to spread the Good News of Salvation. Good acts come naturally and there should be no limits set on these actions. God does not limit himself to what he does and does not do. He did not limit our capabilities when he created the universe and us. We being his children should do the same thing. Give until it hurts then give some more. Do good works until we are exhausted then do some more. Celebrate Jesus until our voices are sore, then celebrate some more.

We should never minimize what God expects of us or limit it to what we are comfortable with. That is a sin. It is the sin of minimalism: doing the least possible to get by. With it we become disengaged and lazy. We need to be challenged every day to do more, bringing Jesus Christ to everyone through our words and action. Through this we can experience the Kingdom of God because we are constructing it with our own hands. We are the keepers of that kingdom and we need to maintain it and help it to grow. That is why we were created in the first place: to be an intricate part of God’s creation. As the universal displays its limitlessness, we too can do the same thing, for we are a part of that same universe.


Deacon Tom