Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lenten Message to the Prisoners at Concord MCI

My Brothers and Sisters,

We have reached the First Sunday of Lent. Our journey together is still very fresh and very new. We haven't fully gotten to know each other but, in many ways, we are old friends. You see, there is an immediate trust between us because we are truly Brothers and Sisters through Our Lord Jesus Christ; and with that, we need to open our hearts to each other and be completely honest. That is what Jesus wants us to do.

The scripture Readings this past Sunday deal a lot with trust. In the First Reading, God renewed the world with water. Her cleansed it of its evil and brought forth a new creation. Today, the Church uses this imagery to explain our own baptism and relationship with God. God washes away our sins and cleanses our soul when we are baptized and we are then orientated towards God. As we progress through our life, we find ourselves sinning and making mistakes just as children will always do, for we are indeed Children of God. But God still gives us that opportunity to say that we are sorry; then, through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we are washed away clean again.

God further tells us today that he will never cleanse the world physically again with water. Instead, God spiritually cleanses us through baptism and keeps us clean through Reconciliation: from no hope to hope. We can always make our life new just as the Great Flood did the same to the world. The Covenant has been made, evil was punished, and we have an opportunity for salvation.

Peter mentioned this also: linking the great Flood to baptism. Water cleanses us and lifts us higher to God much the same way the arc was lifted by the floodwater. Remember, through baptism and the cleansing water of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we remain His forever. We will always be tempted to sin; that is our nature. But Jesus understands this. In His human nature Jesus was tempted also. He let this happen so as to serve as an example to us all: we all are tempted but through faith and love in Jesus Christ we can overcome these things.

Know that Jesus is with you this entire way and that I am with you always.

As I mentioned before, we all have lifted our crosses this Lenten Season and have begun walking together towards Calvary. When you get tired, talk to one another. When you grow weak, ask for help.

Remember, we all are in this together.

Deacon Tom

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