Tuesday, January 10, 2012


There has been a lot of criticism and accolades for Tim Tebow, much of it stemming from his unorthodox playing style and because of the way he professes his faith so openly. There appears to be no grey area regarding him and, as the Denver Broncos trudge forward in the playoffs, football fans appear to be lining up on both sides.

One observation I do have is why is there such a fuss about his religion and the way he has decided to practice it. He is a devout Christian, pro-life, and a professed virgin. He dedicates a large amount of his time to charity and regularly invites those less fortunate than himself to participate in the limelight with him. He has taken the opportunity that comes with his popularity to help the needy and to evangelize the faith (which we have all been commissioned to do by Christ). Yet, this makes a lot of people uncomfortable and downright angry. Tim Tebow has become a lighting rod for those who wish that he “would shut up and play.” Those against him try in vain to point out that he is not a “typical NFL quarterback” and that he is lacking in many areas. When the Denver Broncos have lost, the same individuals announce that “Tebow Time has ended.” Yet, Tim Tebow continues forward smiling, encouraging his team and giving thanks to God for the opportunity to utilize his talents; not for winning a football game.

When I started following Tim Tebow I couldn’t help but draw a comparison to other NFL Players and the lack of criticism and negative press they received:

Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger: accused THREE TIMES FOR RAPE (

Baltimore Ravens Ray Lewis: convicted of murder

Chicago Bears Sam Hurd: indicted on possession of cocaine and possible drug trafficking.

In 2011 alone, there were over 82 NFL and ex-NFL players charged with a variety of crimes from rape, stabblings, to domestic violence. This has been a focus of the current NFL Comissioner: to “Clean up the NFL” and change its image. Yet, here we are: a devote Christian is being criticized for proclaiming his love for Jesus and basically putting his money where his mouth is.

The challenge is this: who would we rather have for a roll model and a spokesperson: Ben Roethisberger or Tim Tebow?

Better yet, which one would we rather mentor our sons or bring our daughters on a date?

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