Sunday, December 22, 2013


God's Love is everywhere and in everything. This is his creation and we are his children. With the lighting of the fourth candle which represents his love I wanted to share some experiences which demonstrate how all of us can be sharers in this love and how it can become a transforming experience. These experiences define all of us as Christians and display how through our interactions the Kingdom of God is revealed to the world.

There is a girl named Jessica. She has three beautiful children; one who is severely disabled. Her husband abandoned her and she soon found herself homeless. The State of Massachusetts set her up in a hotel room. She is unable to work because of her disabled child and she barely gets by with state assistance. Every morning she walks across the street from the hotel to get an ice coffee to start her day. She pushes her disabled child in an old stroller. The clothes she wears are clean but old. She can usually be found in sweat pants and a sweat shirt. Her hair is straight and put up in a ponytail. She looks to the ground and makes no eye contact with anyone. There is a strength about her; as if she is driven by her situation.

Every morning there is another person who goes to the same store for his coffee. He noticed Jessica several weeks before and asked the store manager about her. The store manager told him the story and he was moved by it. He asked the manager what Jessica was doing for Christmas and the answer was nothing. The man was a member of the Knights of Columbus and Christ was a very important part of his life. He decided to act.
He contacted his friends in the Knights and asked them all to contribute what they could. Together over $500.00 was raised and a new stroller was also acquired.

One night, the man and some of his friends drove to the hotel and knocked on the door. They introduced themselves, gave her the stroller and the money. They then wished her a Merry Christmas. One of the friends also invited her over his home for Christmas Dinner. Jessica started to cry. She couldn't believe what was happening. The children jumped up and down shouting with joy. Christ was revealed through the actions and love of these men for a woman and her children that they didn't even know.

There was another family who had come upon hard times. The father was in the hospital and there was no money for Christmas. A woman at the church who knew them made some phone calls. She found a bed frame and purchased a new mattress for it. She called her friends to help her pick up the bed frame. It came from the house of another person from the same church. They then drove to a different person's house who gave them a new recliner and brass lamp. Meanwhile, someone else provided food for Christmas Dinner. The children will also be receiving Christmas Presents.

These stories and actions display how the love of God can transform lives. We are all encouraged to always examine our interactions and relationships with Christ in our thoughts. Jessica and the other family could have easily been forgotten during this season if those who decided to help ignored them instead. It was Christ who called all of those people to action and they responded with love and charity. Every action, regardless how small, has the capability to change someone's life for the better. We should always be attentive and aware of what is happening around us.

It is so easy to live our lives selfishly, putting our needs and wants first and foremost. Christ does not want us to do that. Just like he offered himself up for our salvation we are encouraged to follow his example by conducting ourselves the same way. We can offer ourselves to the world for the salvation and care of all. No one needs to suffer or experience hardship. We all have the capability of offering Hope, Joy, and Love through the example of Jesus Christ. We just need to surrender ourselves to his will and respond to his call. Through selfless acts of love our own lives will be fulfilled and transformed through Christ.

It is the Christian experience and message.

Deacon Tom

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