Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Brothers and Sisters,

 The barrenness that we may sometimes feel inside of us is not something we should lament about but it is something that we should embrace. It is the presence of the Crucified Christ within us. This presence designates a very special relationship. We are all lonely and helpless at some point within our lives. We find ourselves bombarded by negative thoughts. Our sins become magnified while we feel unworthy of joy. It is during times like these that we must envision ourselves walking the Passion with Jesus Christ. Jesus’ suffering presents an example of what he feels for us and what he did for us. It was a sacrifice that was done out of pure love. As Christians, we are invited to experience that same pain and sacrifice every day. Jesus suffered for us and, when we suffer, his actions become much more evident. We also become united with him. It becomes a mutual suffering. Through this suffering there is a healing process. The pain is not forever. Anything experienced in this world is just temporary. Beyond it is complete joy.

When there are obstacles and crisis in our lives there is a natural reaction to think that God has something to do with it. We feel that we are being punished. The more we suffer the more we tend to become a helpless victim. We surrender ourselves to circumstances and fail to look beyond the present. God is not punishing us. God is carrying us. If we recognize this, then we are able to accept His help and look beyond what is affecting us in the present. Nothing is impossible with God. He will guide us, suffer with us, and will ultimately bring us to a path of victory. It is not the goal of victory that He wants us to focus on but the experience which will shape us and transform us; bringing us closer to Him. Relationships have the ability to become stronger in times of crisis if only we let go and understand that our condition is only temporary. Our relationship with God is the same. If we experience our lives with Him and join with Him then the revelations born through hardship can more easily be seen.

Through Jesus Christ our lives will bear fruit. The fruit is a product of his love for us and his presence. Just as it takes time for a plant to grow, so will the influence of Jesus take time to take root and bring forth a rich and bountiful harvest. Nothing happens overnight. In fact, just as it takes years for a fruit tree to bring forth its most luscious fruit, our spiritual harvest will take time to reach its peak. There must be patience, continual nourishment, trimming, and loving hard work. This work comes in the form of spiritual works and corporal works. There will be small adjustments and large adjustments with the guidance of Jesus. No one becomes a farmer overnight just as no one can transform into a completely different person. Jesus can provide the nourishment but we have to react to what is given to us. He is waiting for us to spring forth in splendor and he has the patience to wait. He wants us to be the perfect. In the end, we will be because he will let no of us go to waste.

Deacon Tom

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