Saturday, March 23, 2013


I stood before Pilate accused and belittled. The crowd demanded my crucifixion and I remained silent. They uttered false charges against me. No one defended me. No one rose to challenge those who wished me to answer for these transgressions. I was alone. I was dragged away and scourged until my body was covered with blood; my flesh ripped from my its bones. Forcing a crown of thorns upon my head and being covered with a purple robe I was roundly mocked and led back to Pilate to be sentenced to death.


I was handed my own cross to carry on my back; broken and bruised from untold abuse. Forward I walked towards Golgotha and the fate that awaited me. I stumbled and fell, being kicked and insulted; spat upon by those who cheered me as I entered Jerusalem only a short time before. The palms that they laid before me were not even dried or brittle. They were still fresh and green; freshly picked and prepared. I can still taste the dust from the dry ground where my face was driven into the dirt. They lifted me up and pushed me forward using the bloody whip still wet from my scourging. 

My mother stood before me inconsolable in her grief. She wept for her only son, fruit of her womb and her most beloved. She recalled the words of Simeon and the sword he spoke about pierced her heart. She felt what I felt and wished she could take away all the pain. I looked into her eyes and longed to comfort her but I could not even comfort myself.


I could not carry the burden alone. Going down on one knee, I could not rise again. The weight was too heavy, the pain too much. I felt like giving up. My humanness was revealed, my limitations exposed for the world to see. A man was pushed forward and forced into service. He knew me and I knew him. He pitied me and was overcome by empathy. He shouldered some of my burden and encouraged me to go forward. Together we carried my cross and I loved him for his sacrifice. No one else helped me. No one else came forward to lift the weight of the world from my shoulders.


I leaned completely on Simon and we stumbled against a stone wall. How I longed to close my eyes and die. My shoulders burned; my legs felt as if they were about to splinter underneath the pain. So short we have traveled and yet Golgotha loomed ahead like a dark terror ready to engulf all of us who were journeying towards our fate. A young woman came forward with a wet cloth. She wiped my face gingerly and held it in her two soft hands. “My Lord,” she whispered through a veil of tears before she was ripped away by the soldiers and we were forced forward once again. Sweet Veronica, you pitied me and showed compassion. You braved the wrath of the soldiers when my most beloved friends and brothers ran away.


I could not feel my feet. It felt as if I was flying. The world around me spun and the sound of the roaring crowd was silenced. Then, with a bang, everything came flooding back to me. I met the ground and heard Simon scream in pain. He was hurt. The cross fell on top of him and I to the ground. My face pulsated with pain. I heard the soldiers shouting for me to get up. I could not feel the whips tearing into my face and my back. The soldiers pulled up the cross and brought Simon to his feet. They were shouting at him and spitting into his face. They mounted the cross onto his back again. They then kicked and beat me some more. I was lifted up and draped over Simon's left shoulder. “Not much further,” he whispered. “Not much further, My Lord.”


The Women of Jerusalem were before me, crying as they witnessed the pathetic excuse of me before them. They knew. They knew what I was experiencing. They were some of the first witnesses of my Passion. Where was Peter? Where were my friends. Is there anyone but these poor women here to understand and tell what I am doing? I prayed to my Father to just let me die in the street. I wished this all could be over. How long? How long must I go on? Father, please end this. Only you could end this now!


Why so much pain? Why so much suffering? Who could ever bear this? I have had enough! I hear dearest Simon crying silently to himself. My blood has mingled with his blood. There are those who cannot tell the difference between us: who is being crucified, him or I? This time Simon fell first and I followed. The cross crushed us both. The soldiers laughed; the crowd threw stones at us. Simon and I helped each other up. Simon muttered in my ear exasperated, “I wish I was dead. I wish they would just kill me now.” I told Simon it wasn't his time. It was my time. He would be preserved for another day but we would soon be together. Just a short distance more.


They took my cross and laid it down. Simon staggered back. They tore away my garments. Simon tried to stop them but was dragged away protesting as he went. He tried to reach a hand out to me but it was too late. He was lost in the crowd. I was alone again. It was comforting to have someone to share the burden but now it had come back to me completely. 

Nails were driven into my hands and feet. The cross became a part of me. What I carried now was holding me, embracing me tightly. I tasted my blood and spittle. Slowly I was raised upward to witness the pandemonium below. My mother and my beloved John had fought to the front of the crowd to witness the horror before them. The horror of me broken and twisted upon a tree. I was unrecognizable: mutated and distorted by torture and punishment. My body was scarlet like the sins of the world. I wanted to curse all before me but I could not. I wanted to come down from the cross and walk away but I could not. I could not disobey my Father. He wanted me here and I agreed. Like the soldiers casting lots below my die had already been cast. This was my destiny. But even though this was the case, I could feel nothing. I could not feel the Love of My Father or his presence. Had he abandoned me also?


Then He called me. My beloved Father called me. It was time to go. It was time to suffer more and embrace the Evil One. He would be defeated and through me all would prevail who wanted to. The world faded around me and I followed the darkness below. The fear left me. The pain left me. My journey had only begun. I accepted my death and through it life. Don't cry for me. I have already forgiven you for everything.


I was laid in a tomb not my own. A stone rolled before it. This stone will not remain here. This cold encasement is merely a beginning and not the end. For those who have faith and love for me realize what all of this means. Do you know what this means?



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