Saturday, November 23, 2013


To me, the jury is still out on Hydrogen Peroxide as being a cure-all but I had an interesing conversation with a friend of mine that intrigued me. In our life, society has a way of telling us how to behave, what to eat, and what to drink. These instructions are usually not in our best and usually serve for the profit of some large corporation or individual. Examples of these situations are as numerous as the population of this country but I have listed some examples below:

1. Fifteen years ago hardly anyone drank an ENERGY DRINK. Now children younger then twelve years old are drinking them habitually. Packed with sugar and overloaded with vitamins these are detrimental to the health and the teeth of everyone. Yet, these are marketed so effectively that they have become a necessity to too many people for all the wrong reasons.

2. Twenty years ago only Yuppies drank bottled water. Now bottled water is consumed at such an alarming rate that Poland Springs Maine is facing a shortage at their springs and are being forced to find new sources of water. Imagine: we are drinking bottled water because someone decided to market it and change our behavior. Believe me, it was not a healthy lifestyle change this country went through: 36% of all adults in America are overweight (Have another Energy Drink or Soda).

3. McDonalds has the worst food possible for you but is still the most recognizable symbol in Pop Culture and the #1 fast food chain nationwide. We went, we go, and now we are training our kids. The whole menu is bad for you yet this is where we end up going. Why?

Anyway, there are a growing group of people who swear by Hydrogen Peroxide and how, through oxodizing the blood, almost every illness can be cured including cancer. How do you do this? By brushing your teeth with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and gargling hydrogen peroxide. The peroxide goes into the bloodstream through your gums and oxodizes your blood. This kills anything bad in your blood they claim.

Major organizations, doctors, and professionals have refuted this while other doctors, organizations, and professionals have stood by it. 

At first, I was skeptical but then took the plunge. I have been using Hydrogen Peroxide three times a day when I brush my teeth. Some short term results have been whiter teeth, more energy, and healthier gums. It also serves as a laxative. Regarding the gums: mine have been recessed for a while because of smoking. They have since come back! Something the dentist said would never happen.

The jury is still out on the long-term results. But I am in the middle of a major test. I just found my first cavity in more than fifteen years. A certain health guru claimed that hydrogen peroxide regimen could cure a cavity by killing all of the bacteria. I am up for the challenge! The cavity doesn't hurt yet but I can clearly see it. MARK THE DATE! November 23rd I started a more strict Hydrogen Peroxide regimen to combat the cavity. If it works then the powers that be are hiding something that is cheap and effective.

I will let you all know.

Why do I bring this up? Because it is a fair argument to put forward society offers solutions to problems that will help people but they also need to make a profit. Many times a simple solution is ignored because not enough money can be made. Examples of this can be found in Bio Diesel and Ethanol which have both been around for almost as long as the automobile. This can also be found in the spark plug, which a permanent one was created back in the 1980;s but whose patent was purchased by Motorcraft and then buried never to be sold.

We all need to be our own advocates and go out and find the answers ourselves. This method should be approached through matters of faith, health, and general life. The only one whom we can really trust is God. 

I will let you know.

In the meantime,

let me introduce you to Curtis (LOL):

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